Ninja Name: Amy Hyuuga
Age: 9
Gender: Female
Rank: Under the rank of academy student
Village From: Outskirts of the villages
Specialty in: Gen, nin
Bloodline: Hinsuka Chakra (Hin- meaning Blank, and -Suka meaning Pulse)
Other: Despite her name being in the bloodline of byakugan, she has absolutely no relation to the hyuugas at all except her last name.
Bio: She lost her mother and father in the war and never really learned manners from anyone. She loves competition. Because of the war she has no family.
What you hope to achieve: "I hope to achieve great power and avenge my family!"
Strengths: None
Weaknesses: Weaknesses include people belittling her making her mad and not to focused. Being weak she hates anyone who can out power her.
Theme Song: Normally:
In Action:

Kekkai Genkai: She has a very unique kekkai genkai that is only activated under extreme conditions and when done so she has been known to glow a golden color and gain a huge amount of chakra nothing more is known and she doesn't know anything about it.

Beast?: The Nine-tailed beast was passed on from generation to generation when passed it accidently slipped some of it's chakra into her body at birth and is stuck with it, no known side effects.

Sadly my picture won't work so just pretend i'm a little girl with white hair and impoverished ninja clothes for now.