That's the new Paul biography that's come out recently. It's unauthorised and it seems to have an interesting perspective on Paul.

I heard a radio interview with the author, and he appears to be focusing a lot on Paul's life after The Beatles (where most biographies focus mainly on his time with the band) and he is not blind to Paul's many faults. He says he's not taking digs at Paul, but is simply writing about him as a real person with flaws and not as some godlike being.

From what I could tell he seems to have the exact same view of Paul as I do. An example is that he says Paul can always write an amazing melody, but he writes a lot of s**t lyrics unless he's going through a hard time in his life. The author suggests that this is because after he left The Beatles, he had nobody (like John, for example) pushing him to be better and making suggestions, just a lot of people below him, working for him, so he just records whatever he feels like with no pressure or deadlines or bandmates who would stand up and say "this sucks, make it better".

Apparently the author had a hard time finding people to talk to, because Paul told certain people not to talk to him (since it's unauthorised). Although some talked anyway, and he did end up getting interviews from over 200 people when all was said and done.

Any thoughts on this from you guys?