Not really yaoi related but something I need to rant about before I friggen explode. I work in an anime club and we have this member who is very nice, but has an absolute b***h of a mom. The girl's mom (let's call her "M" for simplicity) is very nice to you in person, but as soon as she gets behind a computer she makes absolute hell for me and the other officers, and even if the problem she has with us is unrelated to the club, she makes it about the club.

She tries to tell us how to do things (poorly I might add), she constantly goes over the officer's head and complains straight to the president, she treats the club like they're all in middle school (we're all 19 or older), she chews out the president (who had to move out of state) for not being here and keeps telling her to move back, she acts like we don't try to run the club, and if you do anything that could be interrupted as "being mean" to her daughter, (i.e talking to her daughter while having a slightly irritated tone from having a bad day) she totally bitches you out for it.

So it was M's daughter's 21st birthday recently, and due to pure bad luck, me and the other 2 officers all had things to do that day. the club's secretary was the last to have plans change and sent M a very polite email stating that she couldn't come. She gets a 3 page email about what a terrible friend she is, how the officers are never there for her daughter, etc, etc.

But the absolute worse part is that M basically tells the secretary, (who's father is very sick) that not going to the party to stay with her father is completely unfair to her daughter because her daughter doesn't have a father anymore. WTF? Needless to say, we're all thinking of banning her, but it just makes me sick.

I mean seriously if you don't lie how we do something, if you don't like us and if you don't like the way we're "mistreating your daughter then JUST LEAVE! No one is forcing you to stay!