The Immortal Prima – Bushi

The legend of Bushi, the Immortal Prima has been told for centuries in the ninja world amongst a clan hidden in seclusion from the rest of the world. This clan is found in a small village on the border of the land of snow. The people there truly believe in this tale and swore to protect the rest of the world from its wrath. For those who do not know the story, it has been told this way for centuries...

“Ten thousand years ago, the world was no different than the deepest depths of Hades. Lives were lost continuously, and chaos reigned supreme. There were no such things as ‘good’, ‘right’, ‘justice’, or ‘peace’. All bent to the whim of Bushi, the Immortal Prima. No one who valued their life would dare stand against her and her infinite army of evil soldiers despite the havoc they caused daily. To do so would mean inevitable death.

She was the most sinister of all beings. She was one that could manipulate the very fabrics of time and space, making her Immortal by all means. No one ever faced her and returned to tell the tale… none but one.

The story says that one day, an unnamed man from a small clan would rise against the Immortal, challenging her and her empire. He would possess a miraculous talent that could defeat her soldiers, and bind her powers. That day finally came, and he rose to protect his people, and the entire world against her tyranny. His power grew exponentially until the day that he would face her. Soon he set course for her emissary.

He made quick work of her generals, each possessing a different ability. He then found his way into her throne room. ’ So you’ve defeated my best generals and have now come to defeat me and claim my life… Silly mortal, I CANNOT be beaten!’ The two raged in an intense battle, one that would decide the very fate of the world. The hero seemed to be losing, and the Immortal grew cocky. ’You see. No one can stand against me. I have ruled since the beginning of ages and will continue to reign in my empire. I will not spare you fool. You draw your last breath now!’. As she raised her hand to deliver the final blow, the hero unleashed his hidden weapon, the ability to seal her powers away from even her. The Immortal’s attack was stopped and he quickly banished her into a tomb of darkness and silence.

He made the world one of peace and tranquility, giving rise to different nations and lands throughout the world. Though there remained one clan that still worshipped the Immortal in secrecy, the Imperialists.

Upon his deathbed he spoke to his villagers, ‘I will not be the last of my kind. There will rise another when I am needed. The Immortal is still alive, and one day, someone will stumble upon her tomb and unleash her evil once again. When that day comes near, I will be reborn as another and defeat her forever. This I promise….’ Those were the hero’s last words as he passed on.

The people moved his body to a sanctum and erected statues in his honor. Engraved on his epitaph are the words, “The Bringer of Peace”.”

With the hero’s death, a village hidden by the mist plotted an attack on this village. One snowy night, a child was born and they attacked. The child’s mother escaped with the baby, but the rest of the village was destroyed. Upon the destruction of the village, the tomb of the Immortal was disrupted and her evil began to seep out slowly until she would be able to regain her power and free herself. This evil gave birth to Shi, Orochi, and several others that caused death in the ninja world.

Centuries later, an ill-fated day brought a curious man across a tomb in which he sought riches and wealth. The tomb was ancient and cracked. He easily slid back the covering of the tomb. What he found was not the riches that he sought, but the Immortal. She rose slowly out of her tomb.

’Thank you foolish man. For freeing me, your death shall be swift…’ she said as he ripped his heart from his chest. The Bringer of Peace had foretold of this and his prophecy has now come to fruition. Bushi, The Imortal Prima, now walks the earth again.

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