Fresh Porn
-2 Dance Dance revolution
+1 Burial from a different dimension
+1 Allure of Darkness
-3 United we stand
+2 Book of Moon
+1 Giant Trunade
DDR is used to fetch Stardust post-Malefic Special Summon as well as a more beneficial means to snag a removed Plaguespreader when needed, since the deck can be prone into Terraforming, Il Blud, and Chacu Challhua dead draws and therefore could stand a bit of discarding.
As I found out in playtest, a little less than half the monsters in the deck are actually EARTH, not DARK, so Allure is not beneficial, especially with my new additions to the deck.
United We Stand is used to increase Chacu Challhua's DEF, making its effect more potent by forcing the opponent to take an additional 400 LP per monster I control for each United equipped. Seeing as I typically have a full monster field by the time I ever get to play United on a Chacu, that's 3200 LP damage per turn rather than the typical 1200, speeding the deck up considerably.
Book of Moon I might consider, but I wouldn't take anything out for it currently.
Trunade kills my deck and often becomes a dead draw when I have Zombie World in play, especially since removing Zombie World kills Chacu AND Malefic, one of which DOESN'T come back without Monster Reincarnation which I don't plan on running.
Finally, in playtest, I just realized that Archfiend Zombie-Skull requires 2 Non-Tuners, so I have to re-tech the deck to make it work proper.
EDIT: -1'd United We Stand, +3'd Quillbolt Hedgehog for Archfiend Zombie-Skull. Since I'd likely have Quillbolts in the grave by the time Zombie World and Plaguespreader hit play, it should be fine.