Ninja Name: Destrum Hyuga
Village From:Leaf
Specialty in:Ninjutsu
Other:After learning under her teacher mannbar for a month, destrum has been able to get past the fresh scar in her heart made by when her parent's ignored and forgot her for her little baby brother. Is learning the 5th and final avatar jutsu.
Bio biggrin estrum was an only child until her mother got pregnant. She was always being told the baby wouldn't change anything, but that was a lie. Her parents forgot about her, and she went into depression. She's just getting over it, and has stopped being emotionally erratic. Now she just wants to be a ninja.
What you hope to achieve: Destrum doesn't want much. She just wants to be able to make her way in the world, do something that's helps make the world better, and not die.
Strengths: Destrum also has byakugan, so she can easily make her angelic avatar jutsi's twice as powerful. It's still faulty though, and she can only she 180 degrees with it, but she's working it to be better.
Weaknesses: She gets scared at the thought of confronting her parent's, and doesn't want to be called a failure.
Theme Song: Caramelldancing ]
Appearance: Destrum is 5'5" tall, 110 pounds, with wavy, shoulder length hair and the typical lilac eyes. She wears a red T-shirt most of the time, with typical black pants.