Ninja Name:Zombini Necrosphere (goes by Zomb)
Rank: Kage
Village From:Hidden Mist
Specialty in: Ninjutsu
Bloodline: Lava Style (Earth and Fire)
Other: He is very unstable when agitated
Bio: He was a child who was given a loving home. when his parents where killed on a mission(he was 7) he sword he would become a great ninja and find a way to escape death. His parents death affected him to where he soon went berserk and killed a traveling salesman who made a crack about the Zombini clan. A chunin saw him do this and took interest in him he took him in and rained him to be a ninja. After he became a jonin, the ninja smiled at him and told him good job. it was the last thing he'd here from him for he,too was killed on a mission. Alone and saddened, Zomb trained his body when awake and mind at night. The mind training gave him complete control of his nerves giving him an ability called Kyōkeimyaku (Frenzied Nerves) that makes the nerves budge out to where there visible from the skin. It increases his strength and Speed but puts him temporary out of action. He soon rose and stood out among the other ninja and became the next Mizukage. Only time will tell what happens next.
What you hope to achieve: He wishes to be the man who cheats death and lives for eternity.
Strengths: Kyokeinyaku, Fire,Earth and Lava jutsu.
Weaknesses: can only use Kyokeinyaku for 30 minutes. Bad at genjutsu.
Theme Song:
Appearance: User Image
Kyokeinyaku:User Image
Height: 6'4''