After going through two years of not knowing what in the world I want to do with myself while attending two separate universities, I've decided that I want a break.

I've already contacted my academic adviser about how long of a break I could take without suffering any penalties, and turns out it's indefinite as long as you weren't, you know, kicked out of school.

I just want some time to get a job and a car, earn and put away a bit of money, and maybe discover what I like doing in life.

My main worry though, is the fact that my mother has lost hope in me when it comes to higher education. It's true that there were a few classes that I didn't do so great in thanks to discouragement (And a bit of depression). And I still live with my parents in order to save some money, provide (them) emotional support (Long story. bad marriage. Still living together. Go figure.), and my University is about a 10-15 minute drive away.
I just am worried that she'll flip, assuming that I plan on dropping out.

When I talk to her, I'm going to inform her that I'm doing this because I'm very unsure about myself and what I want to do, and I would like to not waste more money trying to figure that out. And reassure her that I will begin the hunt for a job tomorrow.

Has anyone else had to make a tough decision like this before?
If so, how did it turn out...?