Username: Ninja_Girl Vamp
Name: Yumi, Keishi
Age: 900
Gender: female
Race:Ice demon
Height: 5'0
Hair Color purple/(black when in demon forum)
Eye Color Green/(or dark grey/green when in demon forum)

Personality:I'ma hyper whee , funny blaugh , but I can have a short temper scream , & will help those in need. 3nodding
Appearance(s): Normal: Chicks/anime_girl_fav2221.jpg
Demon: Chicks/0da1e8dbadc69b346339f93c0891a8c8.jpg
Weapons: a claymore that she can even weld with one hand that she has on her back in first pic, kunis & shuiken she uses on occation in which look black & silver, the body of the kunis & shuiken are black, the blade is silver.
Powers: Healing tears/kiss(the healing tears part only works for external injures, the kiss is for internal injures.), super strenth & speed.
Their Life: I has been threw a lot in my 900 years, fighting in some wars in fact war worlds I & II,I saved alot of lives, I'm a good person all in all I may be a demon, but that don't mean crap!, I has somewhat became a hero to all of man kind that & holy terror to my enemies! twisted , and I had even helped some misunderstood demons as well, & then one day I vanished from the spot light after a huge fight, with a powerful demon Jinzo, I think he said was his name, kinda forgot xp , I had been put under a spell for 400 years, I now wake up and finds myself in modern Japan, dazed & confused.
Other: I loves music so if you let me listen to it, odds are, I will stay in one place.
Parents: Mira & Hoji Keishi
Theme song:
Crush: Yoko Kurama