Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:58 pm
Has anyone experienced missed periods while losing weight?
I've been walking a lot and losing weight pretty slow. I was supposed to get my period 4 days ago...I'm either going to be extremely late, or completely miss this month. I know I'm not pregnant, my boyfriend and I haven't done anything remotely sexual since the last time I had my period. Even when we "do other stuff" it's never sex and we never make contact down there so I know I'm not pregnant. I was feeling cramps today though, so that's probably a sign that I'll be getting it soon....I'm not really stressed, things have actually been pretty good lately. So maybe it's the weightless that is making me irregular.
Have any of you experienced this?
Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 10:13 pm
well I haven't recently, I do miss them when I get overly stressed. last month I had one that was insanely long to me. it was almost two weeks long! I went to the obgyn, but she told me everything seems to be in order and its probably the birth control patch doing it, that it sometimes does stuff like that.
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 9:02 pm
Yup. Mine's late, I do marching band and walking.. Though I feel small cramps :/ but I don't have a boyfriend.