Priestess Hanajima
I've been craving a slave master as well if you don't mind rping with a girl. I've never been a harsh master but I'm wanting to try but NO ONE will be that annoying slave. So what do you say?

Sure, you wanna start first post or me?
Sure. Guy master yes?
If it's o.k with you, I don't care if you wanna be a girlthats perfectly fine I've gotten good at being the guy. lol. So I start?
Go ahead
the slave courters were cramped on the inside. Tiny cells with one door and one tiny window at the top. one wall was kept bare at all times. The slaves were not allowed to know that it was a one way looking glass. Nicoli walked the hall boots clicking in a slow rhythm as he peered into each room. There was no life in half of them. that was no good, not at all. He stopped at her window to watch a guard try to give her a medication all the slaves were required to take
There was normaly one gaurd assined to do this, she had three, and screamed her head off. Somehow by the gaurds negligence, she now possesed a chain and was swinging it dangerously. "Try me" She barked at one of the burly me, he sort of backed up, while another lunged forward with the syringe. Serrenedy screamed bloddy murder as it peirced the skin and wrapped the chain around the mans throat. A female gaurd jumped her from behind with a sedditive, Serrenedy tried to buck her off, but fell unconsious.his lip twitched into a smile. "I think I'll take that one off your hands." because of her behavior no one questioned him, wanting her gone far too much. He continued to look around for a little longer while she was put into his limo and the paper work was being drawn up. This was the quickest transaction he'd had among the market. He signed paid and left whistling a tune as he slide in and waved a hand for the driver to go.
After about twenty minutes she woke up. She blinked blearily as the novicane had to finish it's way through her system. But when she woke, she was livid. "WHO ARE YOU!?" She demanded, leaping up and hitting her head on the top of the car. She looked around again where am I?" She tried to lunge at him, before remebering her hands and legs were tied. "What'd you do to me" She breathed heavily in her anger "ANSWER ME" She scremed at him agian"I am Nicoli, you are in my limo heading towards my home and I simply bought you." He answered calmly and slowly as if he had all the time in the world to do just that as his eyes roomed over her as they had for the past ten minutes they'd been in the car. when she lunged be became very glad that she was trapped in her seatbelt and on the opposite side of the limo as him. He looked at her amused a crocked smile in place on full lips. His green eyes light with laughter held back. "You are a handful aren't you?" he grinned then, perfectly straight white teeth showing with the slightest of canines. "I believe you'll want to bite your tongue and be a tad more patient with your Master. I don't want to start of this relationship by bruising your perfect skin." he said his voice calm, and soothing but no less a warning.
Her eyes widened and she begain lauging, as her head bowed it became apparent that what was thought to be dark hair was little more then soot covered pink. "My most gracious apolligies" She said sarcasticly...then she spat at him. She leaned back and smiled. "You won't touch me." It was said with a sort of smugness. "I'm beautiful, and marking my skin will damage your 'property'. So you can't do anything but glare at me tell me to sit on a pillow and look pretty until you can re-sell me." The eighteen year old was cocky, and her ice eyes flashed behind her bang."As your my property to damage I have no qualms about damaging you and as your healthy you'll fix yourself." there was no playfulness in his voice, nor cockiness only cold fact.
She smirked back at him. "Do you really think so?" She watched him for his reation. She smiled agian. "Think that" She dared with an almost playful smileHe sighed. "You force me to show you i mean it." His eyes were no longer amused but cold hard and the color of steel.
She noticed how angry he looked and smiled again. "Awww, poor wittle mas-ta bake off more en he can chew?" She asked in a cruelly babyesque voice."not hardly" and the back of his hand cracked across her right cheek sending her sideways. "I can and will 'damage' you whenever I feel is appropriate and however I feel is appropriate. Do you still doubt me sweet child."
The red mark was angry on her skin. She touched it slightly with the edge of her fingers. She looked back up at him through her wave of hair. sh*t that hurt.She thought this cold hearted monster's just like the othhers. He won't try and kill me, just scare me, no chance to get out of here...unless he really does hate me. Traded closer to Sally, or dead. But never a lapdog.Her face didn't betray her thoughts and she just looked back up at him with a fawaway look in her eyes. THen she smiled. "Trully, more then my safty I fear for your still think I'm sweet. Don't worry, I'll erase that word by the time you might get rid of me."He smirked. "I'm sure you will. however you will never go back to that place. If you do happen to leave me you'll simply go to my brother. He's been to prison and wouldn't blink at putting you into the hospital." He pulled out a pocket knife. "now if I untie you will you not attack me?" He leaned forward towards her.
She thoght for a moment. "That this glass" She begain-tapping her head on the glass seperating the back from the driver. "Fragile enough that I could kill you and your driver, then go the other way before they realize I'm gone?"
"No." he smirked knowing what she wanted. "I guess thats a no so you can stayed tied up." He pulled back and put his pocket knife away. "Your choice."
She smiled at him, she actually wouldn't be, the entire time she'd been rubbing her wrist together to produce enough friction to unravel the ropes, she had to be careful to much and she'd start a fire. She snorted to herself. Like all other rich babies, he'd probably run from the fire.The sound of jets over head echoed threw the tree's as the limo drove onto the tarmac of an airport. A young girl came to the door and opened it for them. Donovan grabbed his new pet by the arm and lifted her out. He was walking towards the airplain with her in his arms and didn't break a sweat. The little girl that had opened his door followed and smiled up at him. "Master Donovan you look pleased." He smiled down at her, his eyes focusing as they'd drifted off, "Good morning Haddie. Do I?" The smile he gave Haddie was soft and sweet, with a kindness and affection his new slave had not seen before. "I do feel rather pleased. The wheathers looking good today should be a short flight home." He said looking at the sky. He looked down at the slave in his arms. "hope you're not afraid to fly."
Serrenedy for her part had been kicking since he touched her, she didn't exsactly like being touched. As she stoped for breath his words froze her. "Flying" She repeating, scared and angry, though she didn't know witch she was more of. Flying put her at a huge disadvantage. Flying away from the hidden back allys she knew she could use to escape. Flying into a new place with a lanuage she couldn't understand. With no one to help her. Flying away from Sally, breaking her promise and leaving her with that woman. No...NEVER
She calmed for a second to fill her impresive lungs. then she screamed. The highest hearable point; Z sharp over C flat. When she was done she refilled her lungs and screamed again. THe force ripping stolen tears from the rusty ducts.He winced and kept going till he was fighting to get her into her seat. "God child what demon has you by the balls." he stared at her in exasperation. "Would you like to live in a cage for the rest of your life? You act like you'd rather be murdered then actually have a purpose in this life." hadden was trying to sooth her, like an older sister wiping away the tears.
"I'd rather be dead" She shot back angrily "And I'd have a purpose if a**holes like you didn't keep f*cking kindnapping me!"
He'd seen it before and looked at her amused while inside the conflict waged. "Who did you promise to protect?" it was straight forward and bluntShe glared at him, how'd matter, no weekness. "None of your busness" she snarled. Why would she tell him, so he could find poor Sally and use her as ammo? Not happening!
"I was going to make you a deal. You seem like the type of person that can make one. You stop fighting this situation. You are my slave now until I set you free, if I do. You stop fighting that and I will buy this girl and she will have her freedom. But if you don't tell me her name I can't do that can I?" he watched her sitting back calmly in his chair one leg crossed over the other, the tips of his fingers touching as his eyes stayed focused on her.
"She's not a slave...she's worse." Talking about Sally hit a sort of chord in the girl. "My mother has her, she's always in horrible condion when I get back home." Serrenedy brushed some hair back offhandedly to wipe away a tear.He nodded. "Where is her location." His eyes were chilling as if her words were hitting a cord with him.
"300 hutsumi place Shinjuki district, Osaka, Japan" Her words were dead. the voice of a girl whom had fought all her life and gotten nowhere, but wasn't ready to die.he nodded and looked at haddee. "Tell the pilot we're making a pit stop. lets make and impression and land on her lawn." he smiled and watched her as haddee did as she was told
Serrenedy said nothing, she got verry stiff and looked outside the window as they landed in the seedy area. Tears of frustration and pain welled up in her eyes as every mussle tenced. There were fat, older men and woman along with young whores on the grounds of an actually large esate. There seemed to be more then enough drinks and drugs to go around. The teen's eyes darted about, searching for the seven year old.
He got up untied her. "Try to run and you'll regret it. Find your friend and lets go." he murmured as he kept his hand on her shoulder when the airplane door opened.
Serrenedy walked quickly through the familar hallways until sereached a spesific room. Once there she entered and oppened a trap door. She walked down into the darkness, not needing a lamp, and walked right to a cell door, pausing only once for the key at the end of the hall. Inside on a cot lay a seven year old a hairs' breath from death. Her skin was waxy, her hair limp, she had several open wounds-mostly infected- as well as horrifing bruises. Her arm seemed to be broken and her ankle looked as if it had healed the wrong way from a previous break. "Sally" Serrenedy ran to her and cradeled her. "Please wake up" She begged in soft tones to the childHe took stock quickly. "Haddee get the plain ready as soon as we board take off. make sure the doctors awake when we get there." he snapped in cool tones. He took the child from her arms and walked with care to the plane. "Sit." He commanded pointing to the chair she'd been tied up in and took the small girl to the back room where an old man was waiting with a open bed. "Looks like you'll have to rebreak her ankel to have it fixed. But thats for later, get her hooked up, she's lost almost all of her blood." He spoke in soft tones . "Serrenedy what blood type is she?"
Serrenedy had almost had a heart attack when he took Sally from her, but upon seeing the doctor she stopped and did what he asked. "She's A.B. positive, thank goodness" She resisted very much the urge to get up and get people away from Sally. She tried her hardest not to kill everyone in the plane, take her sister, and run for it. Instead she dug her heals into her seat and crossed her arms, clenching her fist. 'they're tring to help' she repeated to hersself. Even if she could do a better job of healing her sister with beer, salt, and rough fabrics, she wouldn't have time before her mother started to look for her.
"Perfect." Nicoli said and took off his shirt hand it to the doctor and went to a fridge. "As am I." he hooked it up himself moving with efficient moves and frowned when he took the girls wrist into her hand. "So small... He took his time finding the appropriate vain to insert the needle in and started feeding life back into the girl. "If we run out we'll just take some of mine. Without his shirt on, sally now wore it backwards like a hospital gown, his muscles rippled with ever move. When he could do no more he grabbed an extra shirt out of a closet, pulling it on but leaving it unbuttoned. "She'll make it, but it will be a long road to healing. She's in a coma. When we get back home in less than an hour she will be put into the hospital wing and watched by my best doctors." He looked at Serrendy with calmness but underlying disgust. "I may be a master, but i'm not a monster. I give you my word, sally will get the best treatment I can provide and after given the choice of staying with you or leaving but she has her freedom."
"Freedom?" The question slipped out before she could stop it, so she continued. "You're not going to use her to get to me?" She asked a bit bitterly, but honestly confused. She shook her head. "What do you want?" She asked him. She begain crossing out options in her mind. He couldn't want sex, not looking like that, even if he did, he'd have stayed at her house. A maid? He probably had thousands, even then, there were more agreable girls. So why? Why help Sally? Maybe there was, there were MUCH more agreable girls.He watched her with a bit of amusement following her logic as it showed in her eyes. "Tell me why you think I'm doing this and I'll tell you if you're right?"
She glared at him, he was laughing at her. She could feel it. "Sex slave?" She thought out loud. "Or you wanna bring my hopes up to crush em...or you're planning something so horrible that you need to use Sally as leverage." Done, done, and done-there were idiots that'd tried it all before Needless to say, those idiots were dead now."No to all three." he stayed calm, though he'd been expecting it, it still irritated him that she expected it, he'd be happy to disappoint her. "You don't have the nourishment to be a sex slave and if I wanted sex it wouldn't be from someone I had to fight, in that sense." He smiled at an inside joke. "If one day i want that from you and you're willing we'll see. I'm not a rapist. I've already told you i'm not a monster, I don't enjoy crushing hopes when i don't have to and sally is barely a child, if I wanted to use something on you as leverage it wouldn't be her. Freedom works usually." he waited to see if she'd thrown anything else out there. "I'm a doctor. My focus has become slaves that run away or there masters care enough about them that they are brought to me."
Serrenedy was officily confused. "Wait what?" Why had he brought her then, there was...well, there were a few reasons, but why grab the sedated one? "You wanted...a medical assistant?" She guessed agian"No... I have a few of those. Haddee being one of them." he smiled a little towards the small slave. "but thats only because she took an interest in it and it was simple to teach her." He stopped himself from talking. "If you wish to learn I will teach you but thats for later."
She blinked at him. "alright" She said slowly "I give...why'd you buy me?" She tilted her head in confusion. "Unless you needed...I don't know, arm candy for hospital openings?" She restrained herself from hitting her own forhead. If it sounded nearly as stupid as it did in her head she hoped the plane would crash."No but i suppose if I did open hospitals that would be a bonus. I do go to parties often enough that you may get to come but its a privilege and one you'll be earning." He smiled a little wickedly. "My reasons for buying you are my own though I like that you're curious." a little turbulence shook the plane. Haddee come on the over head. "We'll be landing in five minutes." he nodded. "make sure you'll buckled in. she's great at flying but her landing is a little shaky yet." He stayed relaxed. "What can you do." he asked eyes on her.
Run away? Sprung to mind, but she was smart enough to keep quiet about that one. "Ummm...bake sweets" She shrugged. "Sing, tell stories...pick locks" She blushed, that wasn't good. "Take care of children..." She appered to have no clue about anything good about herself, far too acustomed to screams."Thats good." he nodded. "can you cook other things besides sweets? Can you clean? Can you garden? can you work in the stables with the horses? We'll be figuring all that out." The plane landed with a jolt that he didn't seem to notice or care about. He rose and buttoned his shirt slowly the look in his eye going back to dangerous. "If you try to run Serrenedy, Sally will go back to where she came from." he said and stepped into the room scooping up the small child while the doctor carried the IV and walked down the plane steps. Haddee stepped out of the c**k pit to help Serrenedy. "Theres something you might like to know about the master but I'm not supposed to tell you." she pressed her finger to her own lips. "Every two years Master Nicoli offered his slaves there freedom, and they always stay. You're safe here with the master, even if you don't like him, he's hard but he's not a monster." she offered her hand.
"No, no, no, I can't do...well I can fight?" She shrugged and fell forward as the plane jolted. As Sally started to get farther away she pulled herself off the floor and looked up at Haddie. "Safe?" She questioned. "No where is safe" She whispered. But accepted the girl's hand. "By the way, your landing is a smige shaky" She shook herself off.
she nodded. "I practice when I can but the master rarely flies." Haddee looked serrenedy up and down. "You will understand in time. If you leave here now you have the aura of a slave and you will go back to a cage. It is a secret what the master does here." she smiled as she walked with her head up, her back straight, her eyes alert and bright. "You have been a slave all your life yes?"
"No" she said saddly. "I remember, bits. I had a family. Parents, Sally...that woman gave me something, evereything from before I was thirteen...gone. Sally says I used to tell her stories about mom and dad. She was three and a half, she remebers more then me." She shrugged in a forced offhand moment. "So I guess the anwser to what you ment is yes." She looked up at the sky. " didn't do it's job. I still have spirit." She scoffed once, though the reason remained unclear"And that is why the master likes you. You are a slave but you want to be a person, so you'll work for it." she said matter-of-factly.
Serrenedy stopped walking abrutly and sighed. She turned to Haddie. "Why am I here?" She asked. "What does he want with me, what is he planning?""The masters plans are known only to the master." she smiled knowingly. "Trust that he will take care of you and be content with that for now. He is only 19." she kept walking as three small children came running out of the house to great them.
A nineteen year old guy picked out the single most disobedient slave in the system, then saved her sister? Serrenedy smelt a conspiricy comming on, but for what she wasn't quite sure yet. When the children ran out she gave them a special sort of half smile. She knelt down to their level. "Hi, who are all of you?" She asked
The smallest was a little boy and had lost a front tooth. "I Sam. I three" and he held up five fingers." Haddee put down his thumb and his pinky and ruffled his hair. He lifted his arms to her and when she picked him up he cuddled up. The next one was a little girl and was four, she only held up four fingers and smiled shyly. "That would be Jasmine" the next was another boy and he didn't answer for a moment looking at her with vague curiosity and a sort of higher superiority since she'd gotten lower than him. "I'm James and I'm seven." he said in almost the same tone as the master. "James." Haddee said in a warning and got a glare she only glared back and started walking inside. Nicoli watched from the door way Sally no longer with him.
She didn't seem to notice the eldest boy's tone. "Hello, I'm guys can call me Ren" She shook hands with the remaining to children. "I'll be here for a while, are you related to mister Nicoli?" She asked them
"He's our uncle." Jasmine said quietly. "He lets me brush the horse and holds me up so I can feed her carrots." she mumbled shyly. "And he reads bed times stories to us when he not working." sam said from Haddee's shoulder. He continued to watch from the doorway his eyes on serrenedy
((I offically HATE making lazzana))
"He does, does he?" She asked kindly. "That's verry nice of him" In a prataced motion, her eyes swam over the children, there were no signs of abuse. So...maybe he really was that nice? Impossible. There was a reason here, she just had to find it. "How lng have you been here?" She asked the kids with a genuine curiosity."Two years." James answered this time and haddee was watching her with a little approval.. ((Why do you hate making Lasagna?))
((It took six hours and still dosen't taste like mom's))
She nodded, if in two years they haddn't been abused, there was a limited chance of it happpening now. She broke from the children's slightly hypnotic gaze to look up aat Haddie and across at Nicoli as she realized the sensation of eyes borring holes in her. "Why's everyone staring at me?" Her voice reverted to it's regular tone when not talking to children.His lips twitched up in a smile as he turned and disappeared inside. Haddie smiled "You're very good with them as well as good digging. You are an interesting person."
"Digging" Serrenedy tilted her head to the side, her fithy hair falling back into place. "Um...can I get washed up?" She asked. She hadden't relized until that moment the horrid conditions had left her more or less a wreck. No wonder Jassmine wsa so quiet, she probably scared her"Thats not up to me. You'll have to ask the master" Haddie said and walked inside carrying sam murmuring about a nap. Jasmine followed Haddie but James stayed and watched her. "You're not like all the other slaves that first come here."
"Really?" She asked him "I was getting the feel that your uncle had a thing for hopelessly lost cases." She shook her head. "What do you mean by that then little one?" She asked, once again lowering herself to his hieght."Most girls come in like the girl uncle put in the hospitipal wing." his brows furrowed as he tried to say hospital. "then they leave like Haddie." he mumbled looking around seeing haddie was gone "She and brad and natalie are the only one that not leave."
She smiled forcefully at his grammer. Cute kid, "So most slaves come here, get fixed, then leave?" Everything abot this place was odd, but maybe he'd read her file and found she was good with kids, she could deal with being a nanny. ((GTG 3 am-work in five hours))
((ok. have fun at work)) "ya. Uncle fixes them in the hospitibale if they hurt. They are always sad when they come. then uncle helps them be happy. Then they leave." he watched her with a sad face.
((Sigh, I'm an addict)) Her face fell as his expesion changed. She sighed. "Look, I'm not going to tell you I'm not leaving, I am. I'm used to running away, and I don't do well inside stone walls." She hugged him "But I also have a funny knack for coming back once and a bit. I tend to forget things, or just check up on places I've been. So I promise you'll see me again." She sighed and pulled away, before giving him a little smile. "Besides, I'm never happy, It's why I run." She pulled out her pinky "If I do end up happy here, I'll stay, how's that for a promise?" She offered the pinky to him
((HAHA! I know!)) He listened patiently watching her. He linked his pinky with hers. "why you wanna run away."
She stopped at that question, flashes went through her mind, memories of memories. She'd always run to get to Sally, but...this time she'd be running away. After a long moment she annswered him in terms he could understand. "When you run around a lot, then get really dizzy. Then, when you get used to stoping, you can't run again...even if you need to."He laughed and spun in a circle. "You can use our runny machine so that you can." he held out his hand to her to lead her inside.
((I think I just died from cute overdose)) She took his hand and stood up, smiling down at him, she ruffled his hair. "Aww swetie, I wish it were that easy"((lol. from what?)) He looked up at her, his eight year old face confused. "Why is it not easy? You just push button and it starts and you run."
((runny machine-priceless)) "That running is for the run with my mind and my body follows." She sighed "I'll think of a better metaphor for you later hun. In the hospital wing Sally woke up. The seven year old Almost jumped for joy at Ren having come back and fix her up again, but something was wrong. Firstly, she was in a white room, their rooms were red or brown. Now this wasn't that bad...but her bandages were white too. Ren NEVER wore white, and she always bandeged Sally with whatever she was wearing. There was a sheet seperating her from the sillioute of someone to tall to be Ren. She slid outthe bed and held in a yelp as her newly re-broken ankle throbed. She grabbed her iv drip and slowly walked out, rideing the wheeled drip once she was outside the room. She checked a keyhole and ducked into an empty room.((I thought of what my cousin would say. he's only three so something equally naive but older. haha. thank you)) Nicoli followed the sound of heavy pained breathing and opened the door looking down at her. "You woke up faster than I thought you would." he looked her over wondering how she got past the doctor and how she managed to walk on her ankle. "Come on lets get you back into the bed and look at you more closely so nothing heals wrong." he said all of this kindly.
Sally looked at him warrily. Ren had always told her that f someone sid they were tring to help you, they were trying to make you worse. On the other hand, her ankle really hurt, one arm was in a sling, and the other was heavily bandaged. She was in no condition to refuse help..but what if he were one of those bad persons that pretended to help you so that they could get close to you and hurt you worse. Sally's eyes darted around the room, searching, for what-she didn't know. She backed up against the window and slid it open. She slowly steped out onto the ledge winceing as the wieght went onto her foot, and quickly followed through oustside. She was now on the ledge clinging, she looked confused as what to do next-she couldn't drag the I.V. outside with her, but wasn't going to himHe groaned inwardly. why were women so damn difficult. He leaned against the wall on the inside where she could see him. "After all the trouble Serrenedy and myself went to to get you back. what a waist for you to end you life trying to run away from me." He rolled his eye and took hold of her arm, wrapping his arm around her waist for the other, even at full strength she likely wouldn't have been able to shake him off. in an easy strength he pulled her back through the window and headed back to the hospital room. "Find Serrenedy." he bite off the worder to a young slave and the girl hurried off as he set Sally on the bed and started to unwrap her ankle to better look at it, his eyes intense and focused.
'Serrenedy' had been the magic word, she stopped squirming and started cyring even as he checked her ankle. Ren walked in, still holding James' hand. "SALLY you're awake!" She realised the child and smiled down at her sister. Sally looked up at her. "How long was I out? long did you forget me?" "What?" "YOU'RE MARRIED" Sally shot back. Serrenedy looked at her blackly for a moment. "Once more...WHAT?" Sally looked at Nicoli "You always said that the only good men were dead, or the ones that didn't try to run so they married you. That means he married you" She glared at James, sitting up and stubbling into her sister's arms in an attempt to get to him. "AND YOU HAD A KID!!" Serrenedy looked at her. "Ok...I'm asmused that you think I'm arried with a kid, hurt that you think I'd break my promise and leave you with her for that long...and horrified that I look like I popped out an EIGHT YEAR OLD" Sally did the math. "Step kid?" Serrenedy glared at her. "You're getting it for that" She begain to tikkle her sister-Sally screaming and pleeding for mercy.Nicoli put his hand on Serrenedy's arm shaking his head. "her body can't handle that right now." He looked at sally. "My name is Nicoli and I'm your sisters master." he said flatly but with a little amusement. "I'm flattered that you think I'm her husband and somehow that makes me a good man. I would be honored to marry a women like your sister, intelligent beautiful and extremely feisty. " he smiled charm flowing out from his grin. "I'd like to be a good man even if I'm not married to your sister. And this is James my nephew, there are two more around here somewhere."
Serrrenedy stopped tickling the second he said it, but Sally scoffed it off. "I heal fast" She smiled proudly. Serrenedy blinked at him after he tried to charm Sally. "I like him" The brunette proclaimed. "I think you must have another sister running around somewhere?" Serrenedy murrmered to the small child. Sally stood, winceing oon her anklt, but smiled. "HI JAMES" She launched herself at him. Serrenedy turned to Nicoli "This is why her ankle heals wrong everytime"He nodded and as easily as he scooped her through the window he picked her up again and set her down. "If your ankle heals wrong this time it may limit you from walking running climbing, everything you could do normally you might not be able to do if you keep pushing it. I'm going to put you in a cast and give you crutches. Go very easy on it and if I feel your too ruff I'll buckle you into a wheel chair for several weeks." He grinned. "I'm a doctor so I can." James laughed. "He means it too. I fell off the horse and did what you do so he tied he into a wheel chair for three weeks!" he exclaimed remembering how much fun he'd had racing threw the house in the chair.
Sally's face fell. "I don't need a cast." She protested "I'm absativly fine." She beemed. Serrenedyrolled her eyes, already knowing that he'd never keep a cast on Sally of all people. Serrenedy just picked her sister up and piggybacked her. Sally wrapped her legs around Serrenedy and waved. "And I already have a wheelchair!!" She proclaimed."Then the wheel chair it is." he sighed. It was shame he'd make an enemy out of her so quickly he detached her from her sisters back and set her in a chair putting a buckle in place and locking it with a key, putting they hey on a chair around his neck and started putting on the cast.

"Please, I don't need it!" Sally protested. "Their's a lot of people out there worse and you're wasteing a cast on me! I'll be fine in three weeks, swear!" Serrendy sighed as Sally started tearng. "Is a cast really nesesary? If I carry her around she can't stress her ankle." She pointed out.
"Yes it is necassary and if you keep the cast on and stay in the chair I can let you walk on it a little in a week. But you see I don't trust that you wont run off and hurt it again." He continued wrapping putting the seal on it so she couldn't take it off. "You see, as a master, although you sally have your freedom, You don't have to like what say and tell you to do you just have to do it." he cast hard eyes on Serrenedy. "and understand what I tell you to do is for the best. Sally I'm doing this for your overall health, as a doctor you can trust me." He said as he finished, "James why don't you take sally to the kitchen and have chef give you guys some cookies and your vitamins. Serrenedy you stay for a minute." James bounced up and down. "Cookies, cookies."
Sally looked at JAmes like he was going to kil her. "Don't worry, he won't hurt you" Serrenedy promised. Sally still looked at him warrily, and begain to slowly wheel herself with her good arm. She was still scared. Serrenedy clasped her own heart and placed the hand to Sally's own heart. "Here, it's my bravery" Sally smiled up at her, and it seemed to work, for she went without as much hesitation. Serrenedy turned to Nicoli and sighed. "Thank you" She said slowly. "What do you want from me?" She asked him tiredly
"Your word." he said evenly. "That you'll keep her in that chair and not give in to her. She doesn't have to listen to me, I've told her as much, but she'll listen to you because she loves you." He slid his hands in his pockets and with a quick grin. "And you're to bring tea up to my study, I'll be working late." there was a wicked twinkle in his eye as he moved past her out of the room and stopped in the door way. "and for extra insentive for you, I give my slaves a chance every two years to go free if I feel they're ready. Bring me my tea in a timely manner and not back talk and I might take off a month or two." he left with that.
Serrenedy rolled her eyes. No way was she going to be able to go without sarcasam. But she went down to the kitchen to get the tea anyway. Sally saw her with a small cookie. "Yours are better" She informed. Serrenedy glanced at the cook. "That's mean" Sally blinked. "But it's true." Serrenedy looked around for a bit and found a mug, small bowl and another small bottle. She filled the bottle with milk and the bowl with sugar, wating for the water to boil. Sally pulled at the seatbelt. "Can't you get the key from him? He likes you" She glared at the child. "He does, he wants to marry you." Serrenedy scoffed. "He, and you, are delusinal and see a good person insted of me when you look. "You're good, just...roughish at the egdes...and near the kinda on the sides a bit...and sorta" "When you find something good tell me" Serrenedy cut off. Sally blushed. "You're strong...and good with kids...and pretty!" Serrenedy smiled as the water started to boil and ruffled her sister's hair. "you're adorabe kiddo" She said as she poured the tea and placed the bag in. She placed it on a tray and walked off and upstairs.The cook was an old fat man balding on top a little. He smiled at sally. "Thats alright. Just means you'll have to help me the next time I make the cookies so they're the way you want them." He watched Serrenedy. It had been a long time since the laster had brought in one with suck fire. She would always want to run and it was breaking her of that, that would likely be the masters goal. "Serrenedy, I hear thats your name. The kitchens my domain and everyones agree'd I'll do everything, So the next time you come in for something for the master, just tell me and have a seat and i'll get it for you." He grinned and went about his washing of dishes after pouring the kids milk.
She smiled and possibly just because he wasn't authorotiy she curtsyed. "Thank you for that offer, everyone here is nice." I wonder if they're all helping him or he's the only one with an alterior motive She thought as she headed up the stairs to her hopeful soon freedom "What's your name" Sally asked as Ren dissapered upstairs. Serrenedy opened a few doors before finding the study. She, with some effort, placed the tea on his desk. "May I get cleaned up?" She asked
He laughed a little. "I am called chef. I don't remember my real name so Chef."

Nicoli looked up at her from paper work and leaned back touching the tip of every finger to its counter on the opposite hand. "Obedient. So some slave training still stuck." he looked down thinking for a moment. "Serrenedy. There are a few ways that people come out of being a slave. One, they never do, even when they have there freedom they're stuck. two, they do but its difficult and they work there way out of it. Three, they, like you are only slightly touched. Somehow you've managed to keep you spirit but your emotions, trust, and manners are effected by it. You seem to want to be rude, can't say as i blame you. But through the wonderful prospect of your freedom you were very obedient. I find myself wondering if that's from training or your own personality. Are you a slave or a human..." He watched her. "You may shower. no more than a half an hour, then come back here and I'll show you to your bed."
Sally smiled. "thank you mister cookie" She smiled, then looked at the stairs and frowned. "It's abpout time for Ren to do something stupid. She let out a sharp whistle. Serrenedy growled at him and was about to say something cold, when she heard the whistle. She glared at the door "Brat" she murmered. "I'm human" She said turning out the door. She managed to find a bathroom and washed her clothing in the sink. Then she went in the shower. washing her hair first with an odd shampoo she found. She took a bit longer then he told her, but only because of her hair. She tried to brush it out but ponytailed the mid backlength mass of carnation from inability. She replaced the still damp clothes and walked back. With her hair out of her face she had high cheekbones and tired eyes. She returned to the study, her hair curling slightly and already comming out of the ponytail-to acoustomed to being in her face.he looked at her rolled his eye. "Human I think not. Humans wouldn't put on damp clothes but ask for something else to wear." he tossed her clothes that would fit her perfectly, jeans and a good t-shirt. "You'll find more clothing in your room."
She leveled her gaze. "Actually, humans wouldn't want to owe you anymore then they already do. They'd give you something you want for giving them something they want. Not try to be in even worse." She took the clothes. "You're what's called a loan shark" She smired, feeling a victory. "Sharks arent' human" She added with a chirpy smile
"but good people would ask for anything in return. True there are loan sharks but I'm not one of them and you'll have to learn the different. Not everyone's an a** hole. Or a b***h." he said directing the last insult towards her.
She glared at him "If I'm such a b***h why are you being nice to me?" She asked, hoping to find his motive."Because I like to think i'm a nice person and i would like to help you."
Her eyes narrowed and a confused expresion settled on her face. She scoffed. "I don't know what you're planning, but I'm going to find out" She swore. Then she pushed more of her hair out of her face. "So you might as well tell me now, what are you planning.""why do you assume I'm planning something."
She glared and for a long time remained silent. "Because" She suddenly barked. "Because you looked at me, and no one just looks. They scheme, they plan, they claw to get something from me and I don't HAVE anything. Then they get angry with me and decide it's just more fun to see me break, see me crack, see me cry, see me blead, scream! They hurt, everyone hurts. They love the little meek things, they can hurt them as much as they want and they'll never hurt back. I've seen girls killed, I only left Sally for two weeks and she listens to every letter. She's not going to survive! So guess what, I HURT TOO! So she doesn't have to, and I don't apreciate Assholes like you screwing with my damm head. I've got a kid to protect, cause kids are the only ones that don't BACKSTAB you." With her explination she sort of collasped on the floor, a few angry tears escaped, but for the most part she forced herself to hold it in. Sally rolled herself to the bottom of the stairs, having heard every word. She was tring unsucsessfully to claw her way out of the chair and up the stairs.he let her lay there for a moment and stood up and sat down beside her. He had never been uncertain before and didn't show it now, only spoke with cool thought out words. "I'm not trying to ******** with your head. I wont back-stab you. If you dont let someone inside the wall of your mind they can't. I gave you my word that sally has her freedom and if she stays here with you she will survive and no one will lay a hand on her again. I don't like seeing people break because of something I did." He didn't look down at her. None had ever suspected. "My parents were slave freer's in a much more radical way than I am. They stole them at night from the markets and set them free into the world. Some were able to keep that freedom, others died because they don't know how to survive not being a slave. My goal is to do what I can to ensure every slave that passes through these walls walks out a normal human being." He looked down at her finally. "my parents were killed by a slave much like yourself, who was brought here for hiding for a day and the slave suspected that they would just keep them, so killed the 'masters' when my parents had never had a slave in there entire lives. If its a plan i've never thought of it as such and I do it for my parents."
Se blinked quietly. She was right, it was another motive...but she had never expected a motive so...pure. She was trully speachless. She didn't know what to say, pity was pathatic, he'd treat it as such. She blinked at him once, then rose. ""They're proud" She said. "where they are, they're proud of you. Just for the fact that you keep their memmory." With that she dissapered, back to the bathroom and changed into the new clothes. She wondered how exsactly he knew her size, but didn't return to pursue it. Sally meanwhile had cawed her way almost completly out, but her cast got caught. "Crap" she murmered. 'Serrenedy can't force nice forever, if the yelling's anything, I make her feel bad, gotta get up there' Sally sighed, then brightened. "Um...James was it?" She asked. "Howed you get uppstairs when you were in this?" She asked
he didn't say anything just watched her walk out and got up to go put the kids to bed. He came down the stairs looking tired and some what hollow but put on a smile for james and Sally as James explained the hidden elevators behind the stair case and the end of the left hall. "But we like to use the stairs here." Nicoli said smiling, otherwise our legs will get weak and we'll break them again." He ruffled James hair and then smiled at Sally. "Your sister is ok, she changing now."
Sally sat back down, her legs folding akwardly above the last part of the cast and more then ninety percent out the chair. She looked at his face for signs of lieing then at his hands for signs of blood. She smiled up at him and gave him a hug. "Thankies super for all your help mister Nicoli." She beemed at him. "And please don't kill my sister, she's really nice you just have to..." She trailed off and started counting on her fingers, at a few places her face paled or her her mouth set into a frown. "Just take my word on it, she's nice...ish...after time...once you get used to her." Sally smiled up at him agianHe smiled and pulled out his key unlocking the buckle. "I'm going to take you to a room I think you'll like. Its right next door to your sisters. My people were a little rushed so if anything should be changed just let me know. I'm going to pick you up ok?" he did so cradling her in his arms and started up the stairs with ease. "James if you can bring that upstairs please. He shifted her only a little to open her door and being careful of her leg stepped inside turning on the light. It was a seven year olds dream room. A big canopy bed set dead center up against the far wall. The color deep red. Next to it to the left was a bay window cushioned so it could be sat it or even slept in. There was an oak dresser and a matching desk, A chest at the end of the bed and the closet was walk in. "There aren't a lot of clothes for you yet. we weren't really expecting you so tomorrow we'll so shopping ok." James came in behind them a little out of breath and pulled back the blankets for them. Nicoli set her down and opened the window for a nice breeze. "I'll trust you to call someone if you need anything. Its very important that you stay off that leg. Besides if you do ren wont have to worry about you as much."
Serrenedy followed them at a safe distance away. She poked her head in to see if Sally was happy. She was extsatic. "OH MY GOODNESS! I can't belive this, this is my room?" She asked. "I've never even seen a room this big." She exclaimed in wqonder, before giving him a hug. "THank you so much!" She smiled. She tried, sort of failing to force her expresion into a pout. "But I'm still mad at you for the wheelchair. It's really bad to have" She trailed off and spoke slowly, obviously having only heard her sister say it a few times. "Pysical representations of weekness, it makes you a target." Sally nooded as Serrenedy smacked her forehead. "It makes me a target." She corrected as she walked in the room. "They have to get past me to target you. And even if they get there, they end up DEAD." She sat on the floor next to Sally's bed. "I heard you like your new room?" Sally nodded vigirously. "Good, if you're happy, I'm great." She got on the bed behind her sister and started to brush out her hair. "I think he's genuine." Sally said. "He's nothing like Ryou-OW" At the name Serrenedy had pulled the brush a bit harder then she'd ment too. "Opps" "Wanna hear a story!!" Sally asked Nicoli, a look in the back of her eyes sugjesting there was more to that offer then met the eye.He pulled up a chair straddling it and rested his arm son the back of the chair. "All years sunshine."
Sally sat up, Serrenedy still doing her hair. "Once upon a time...there was a queen and a king and a magical princess. And they were really happy. THen the princess got loney, so they gave her a compainion!" She pointed to herself proudly. "Now keep in mind that the princess was magic-her eyes were brighter then every star ever making her as warm as them too, her arms could hug the universe in safety, and her smile could heal or fix anything. And they were all happy. THen the Queen and king...went away and the princess and her compainion had to live with a wicked witch that made them call her 'mama'. But the princess didn't, she knew the witch wasn't her real mama and she told her compainion all about the real Queen and king. THat made the witch very mad. She gave the princess something and the princess forgot all her stories. But the princess still told stories. Just ones that wern't true, but they were still very happy. Well, the witch didn't like that either, but she couldn't hurt the princess because of her powers. So the witch foundd this guy, he took the princess away and told her he loved her, then he sent the compainion far away and told the princess to listen or the compainion would die. The princess was fourteen. The compainion was hurt when the princess found her, but the princess made her better and they went back to the witch, cause that was all they could remember. But there was something wrong with the princess, the compainion cold't figure it out at first. Two years passed before the compainion caught on, because the princess' powers were dissapering. Her eyes were moonlight, her arms could only circle the world, and she could barely smile." Serrenedy begain to braid Sally's hair, an odd expresion on her face. Sally continued. "Everytime the Witch sent her away, she got worse. Now the princess' eyes are icy and they freaze everything, her arms can't move, and her mouth only spits poisin. The compainion knows the problem, but can't fix it. The witch keeps taking her heart" Sally sighed. Serrenedy pulled the last bit ofhair from her sister's face. "If the princess dosen't have a heart, the compainion can keep hers...besides the princess is strong enough to handel the old witch" Serrenedy assured her little sister. "Yes," Sally agreed. "The princess is plenty strong" She continued. "But what the princess dosen't know is that without a die" Serrenedy froze. Sally wiped a few stray tears away. "it's late, and you had too much sugar" Serrenedy spoke in a dead sort of clipped tone. She hugged her sister, then got out of the bed to properly tuck her in. Serrenedy kissed Sally's forehead. Sally fell aseap instantly. She looked up at Nicoli "Kids...such imagiation" She forced a small laugh.He watched Serrenedy not moving from his place. "Yes." He nodded. "But Prince James tells stories to Jasmine and Sam about their king and queen. For her to only think of herself as a companion." He shook his head in a sad way and when she was done pulled her, "I can't give you your freedom yet... It will arouse suspicion but you've more than earned it. I need your help as much as you need mine." his hand wrapped around her wrist. "Stay here... if not because you want to then for Sally. She will be happy here, and worry about you less and... I can protect both of you from the evil witch." he did let go of her wrist but watched her eyes for a long moment. "Who broke your heart Ren?"
She shook her head. Dosen't matter, he's dead now." She sook slightly and sighed. "He was very nice to my gaurd down." She looked at Sally and traced her jawline with her fingers. She smiled saddly at her sister. "He found my weekness."
"Anyone who see's your eyes when you're looking at her can see the love... only a scum would use it as a weakness to harm you." He got off the chair and stood in front of her, cupped her cheek gently and pressed his lips to her forehead before walking out saying. "your room is next door but I guess you'll be sleeping in here."
She smiled at him...a real smile. "You guessed right" She nodded knealed down at Sally's side, taking her sister's wrist and laying down so she could hear her heartbeat.She smiled at him...a real smile. "You guessed right" She nodded knealed down at Sally's side, taking her sister's wrist and laying down so she could hear her heartbeat.He closed the door and left them alone returning to his study to do work that he'd been slacking on in preparation for her. Yes he's known of her for a month and had to stop himself from going in there and kidnapping her before he could 'stumble' upon her at the appropriate time when she wouldn't be so inclined to tear his head off not knowing what he was about. He stuck with his paperwork and in the morning light fell asleep with his pen in hand and his head laid back against the seat.
Serrenedy woke up before her sister, and woke her. She gave Sally a bath, dressed her in a sailor suit, and combed out her ringlets. She then did the same for herself, prefering to dress in jeens and a black corset that her sister helped her into. She went to the kitchen and, not seeing cheif, made something she called a cake (but that others wold call a heart atack on a plate) for the children. She didn't know where the other three slept and so waited for them to come downstairs. She set up another tea plate and as she left saw cheif and so wished him a good morning, before continuing up the stairs to the study. She saw Nicoli's postion and calmly took the pen from his hand, she sat down on the floor with the paperwork and begain to help complete it for him.He didn't budge and made no sound as he slept. By the look of it she could see he was planning to buy a slave that was in critical condition. there was a picture of a young girl and her twin brother in worse condition than sally had been in. The paper work said GIFT across the top and on the next page also labeled GIFT was an application to have the twins accepted into a rehabilitation center. His voice sounded softly. "I can only do so much. there is a point that some slaves are pushed beyond that my skills are no longer qualified for. Its my job to send them to a place where they can get the help they need." He rubbed his face the sun had finally shown in his face waking him. He held his hand out for his papers. "I thank you but there is information here that is only known by me but I'm grateful that you want to help." He tapped the papers on the desk to straighten them. he looked down at her. "You look lovely this morning."
She flushed, not used to compliments from someone she wasn't tring to kill...or vice versa. "I got you...tea" She guessured at the tray. "It seems I should have got coffie..." She shruggedhe smiled and picked up the tea drinking and sighed happily. "Same amount of caffeine less acid in tea. Either will do just fine." he smiled down at her. "you slept well then? I don't see the bags under your eyes quiet so much."
She nodded. "I had a steady beat to keep lulling me when I woke up." She said, refering to Sally's heartbeat. "She refused to let me put her in the chair, but I carried her and placed her on a high counter so she can't hurt it. She brushed a spot on her pants. "By the do have all these clothes in our sizes?" She asked him.He figured at this moment that honesty would help him the most. "I've known about you for about a month now. You're a very difficult person to be acquired. I was only aware of your sister about three days ago. Unfortunately the erxtent of her consition was not told to me or she would have been out of there sooner. so for that I do apologize. You have strength so I knew that you could hold on, even just a little longer while I talk the... evil witch... into releasing your sister into my custody." he interlaced his fingers "I need your help Ren. You have a strength so great that if others were to see you, know that you were a former slave it might inspire them to do better themselves." his eyes didn't quiet focus on her but were intense. Haddie is as far healed as she will ever be unfortunately. Its her choice to stay here and call me master," he smiled softly. "She helps me over her own will and I will not ask her to do anything outrageous knowing she'll always answer yes." Is eyes finally focused on her. "What are your thoughts of me now... knowing?"
She sighed. "I think you have the wrong girl. You and Sally man, you see this strong person that can the world. I'm not that." She looked far away. "I'm not living, I'm that Sally can be o.k. Most people have something. Loalty, hope, courage. I'm just a shell, I'm just holding on for Sally. I wouldn't want people to lok up to me, I wouldn't wish me on anyone."His eyes held slight disappointment. "That's were your wrong. A person with courage would hold on for that one single person. A person with loyalty would stick by that one person's side and make sure they are okay. You may not have hope but that will come in time. "i'm not asking for anything from you now... but think about it. When you leave here where will you go? Where would you go that the witch won't find her? You are safe here."
Serrenedy gave a bitter laugh. "No where is safe" She repeated. "But..." She sighed. "I promised a sweet little boy that if I end up happy I'll try not to run." She looked up at him. "You should send James into war, he'll talk down the other side"
He chuckled. "He already does between the Jasmine territory and the sam territory." she looked towards the door fondly. "He is something. Gets it from his dad I think." He looked at the clock. "Usually he's in here cuddling up to me and wanting to know who i'm 'save' this morning. Chef must have made something that was more appealing than me." He chuckled and rose stretching his arms and back muscles rippling as he did it. "Suppose I should go make sure they're all still alive." he held a hand down to her to help her up.
Serrenedy paled once more. "Actualy...I woke up really early, and Sally was hungry so I baked a seven layer trippple choclate chip fuge and ciniomon apple cobbler with whipped cream and carmel might not want to touch a kid for the next say...week?"
he rolled his eyes. "Oh lord."
"They aren't hyperactive are they?" She asked, wary of his responce."Only when they eat things like that." He ran his hand through his hair and walked down stairs to start to battle of getting chores done.
"THat's weird" She mused. "Sally eats stuff like that everytime I cook for her and she dosen't have a reaction"There was a happy scream and a bang down stairs and if Ren went out she's see Nicoli laughing with sam tucked under his arm like a football and jasmine thrown over his shoulder James was clinging to his back screaming "bring him down!" Nicoli lowered to his knee's and jasmine wriggled free to tickle while James and sam fought to pull him farther down. He picked up sam throwing him up and catching him upside down lowering him to the floor tickling him ruthlessly while he screamed with laughter. Sally was once again in her wheel chair.
Sally seemed to be cheering on the other children to the effect of 'BRING DOWN THE ADULTS" Serrenedy took one look and burst out laughing
Nicoli fell flat to the floor in mock serenader. "You win. You're too strong for me." he grinned up at Serrenedy as the kids got on his back cheering.
Serrenedy wiped the tears out of her eyes as she calmed down. She grinned. "O.K! Now who want's to do some morning excersises to work some of that cake out their system so they don't get fat?" She asked the kids. To sweeten the deal she added. "I'll cook breakfast agian tomarow" She grinned down at Nicoli. "Silly, that's not hyperactive...that's full" Sally pouted. "I'm gonna get fat?" Serrenedy turned to her and ruffled her hair. "Nope, you can't move your leg, so you get special exsersise for your arms." "YAY" Sally cheered. Serrenedy at once started jumping jacks for the kids. Sally moved her arms along.Nicoli looked bemused. "If you guys really wanna get some exercise go help the stable hands clean the horses!" he invited enthusiastically.
Serrenedy followed the children as they headed off, staying close to her sister. At the stables she held Sally back. In a catlike attack crouch she would not go close to the large horses. She actually hissed at seeing them. Sally comforted her sister now, patting at her pink locks and giggling at her fear of big animals.