Yes my friend did up and I just put it out, its the same as he did it so its all his.


Life is unfair we live it everyday People cheating fighting killing its all the same In the eyes of god like is just a game God is just a name To keep people comfortable liven in there home Hoping god is fighting the wars in the world The silent wars the one's that have no name People hopin gods keeping the streets clean no body know If the man up stairs is real or not my thoughts are god is just a thought to keep people sane thinking there's a life after death to lay back and sleep comfortably

because you never know

ya never know

ya ya you never know about life and it's games
My life is a puzzle a puzzle that has no end
I wish I could show you the pieces by the time the puzzle ends
The universe is full of darkness that twists and turns all over
My brain is doin summersault and my life is all over
I hear the thoughts of many my brain is going so crazy
My eyes tend to go hazy I can see the dead so easy
Some people may thing im crazy but I wish they could see them with me
I sense the lives of many I can see the dead with the living
Do my eye's deceive me or is that shadow watching me...