Hello and welcome to Saleana Faye’s newest story: Sophie. A bunch of cute stories that involves my newest Original Character: Sophia the Kitten and how she turns Shadow’s life completely upside down.

Disclaimer: Don’t own the Sonic Characters. Sophie…yes

---- Chapter One: New Beginnings and New Changes ----
Shadow the Hedgehog yawned and stretched his back as he started his walk home to his dorm from his late night walk through Station Square. As he walked passed a garbage can, Shadow looked around and looked into the darkness… well as dark as you’re going to get with street lights on, and that’s when he heard it.
“Hm, what was that?” Shadow asked himself, not excepting an answer, but surprisingly he did. Out from the darkness, came a kitten that was no bigger than his shoe. Its fur was pure white and had very blue eyes that sparkled in the moon/street light. Shadow bent and picked the stray up. The kitten looked up at him and started to purr and nuzzle into his chest fluff. Shadow couldn’t help but to smile at this and started to pet the cat, which caused it to purr even louder.
“Well hello there little one,” Shadow said to the kitten. The kitten looked up at Shadow and licked the end of his nose which caused Shadow to scrunch it up. But just as Shadow was going to put down the kitten, a cold wind blew and the kitten nuzzled into his chest further and started to shiver.
‘Oh the poor thing,’ Shadow thought as he looked down at the cat that huddled into his body for warmth, ‘I can’t just let it stay out here, it would freeze to death…but the No Pets Allowed policy for the dorms…oh well, one night couldn’t hurt,’ he sighed ‘Sometime I wish Maria didn’t make me so sensitive for animals.’ Shadow looked at the kitten that looked up at him with pleading eyes.
“Alright you can come home with me, but ONE NOISE and we’ll have to find a place to live. You got that.” The cat looked at Shadow like he was God’s gift to felines and licked his nose again.
“Hmm. Now, to come up with a name for you,” he flipped the kitten over held it like a mother would hold a baby, “So you’re female, hmm,” Shadow sat there and thought, and the kitten was starting to get annoyed by this.
The kitten looked up at Shadow, wondering what he was talking about. Shadow looked down.
“It was my friend’s middle name. I’ll call you Sophie for short though.” He reached behind his head and pulled a Green Emerald from his quills.
“Well best not stand here all night,” he said pulling Sophie close to him.
“CHOAS CONTROL!!!!!” and in a flash of light Shadow and Sophie were gone

Rouge the Bat was coming up the stairs from brushing her teeth when she saw the green light and Shadow appeared, his white tuff looking a little more… fluffy and Rouge was pretty sure that his tuff didn’t move.
“Hey Shadow, what do you have there?”
“None of your business.”
“It appears to be a Felis catus.”
“A what, Omega?”
“It’s nothing,” Shadow hissed through clenched teeth.
“A cat.”
“Shadow, you know you’re not allowed animals in the dorms. The new girl is allergic to cats, and what do you bring in? A cat.” Shadow looked at Rouge with annoyance in his eyes. Sophie squirmed, trying to get away from Shadow, sensing his annoyance.
“Look,” Shadow said trying to keep calm and stop Sophie from squirming, “it’s extremely cold outside. The poor thing would have frozen to death if I left her there. I may only keep her for a few days tops, but I don’t think that’s going to happen since I’m already fond of Sophia. So I’ll possibly end up moving into a small apartment just so I can keep her. And before you ask, yes I named the cat, so there a 95 percent chance I’m not staying here. Now, I’m going to bed.” And on that note, Shadow opened his dorm and left the other two to sit there and think on what he just said. Rouge just shook her head and went to her dorm across the hall to get some sleep.

Shadow awoke the next morning to the loud purring in his ear. He looked to see the kitten laying right above his head asleep still. He smiled and started to scratch her behind the ears.
“I think I could get used to this,” thought Shadow. Sophie had moved down from where she was, and curled up into Shadow. He sighed as a knock on the door was heard.
“Come in,” mumbled the Ultimate Lifeform. The door opened and closed and revealed frantic looking Rouge. She slipped inside the dorm and shut the door.
“We have a problem,” She whispered. Shadow looked at her, confusion written on his face. Rouge sighed.
“Omega let the cat out of the bag. G.U.N knows it’s here and in your dorm.”
Shadow’s eyes widen with sheer panic on his face. He did not want to give up his new companion. The little kitten was the first real thing that made him happy since…well Maria. And there was no way he was going to give this one up without a fight.
“So what are you going to do?” Rouge asked.
“Looks like I’m going to find myself a place to live,” Said the hedgehog.
“But where?” questioned Rouge. Shadow turned away not showing the worry that was growing on him. He thought he had at least a week to find a place. He looked at Rouge and shook his head. Rouge sighed.
“Well I do know of a place that for rent. It’s a duplex, so you would have the downstairs. But,” She turned at Shadow and gave a look that could kill, “I hear one complaint about who your landlord is…I’m never helping you on anything Shadow. You got that?” Shadow quickly nodded and Rouge took her cell phone from her pocket and dialed a number.
“Hello?” Said the voice on the other end of the phone.
“Hey Sonic, its Rouge. Do you still not have that bottom part of your duplex rented yet?”
“Well,” Rouge said with a hint of annoyance in her voice as she glared at Shadow causing him to flinch, “the thing is Shadow picked up a stray kitten and---“
“Wow , Shadow actually cares animals? Who knew,” Sonic laughed, not knowing that Shadow could hear him and was giving him looks that could kill. “Anyways, Shadow needs a place to stay with his pet then he can stay here! Beside I owe you one for getting me out of hot water.”
“Yeah you do. Thanks so much Sonic, sorry it was such short notice,” And with that Rouge hung up the phone leaving Shadow confused. Rouge smiled.
“I got him out of a date with Amy 2 weeks ago…he kinda owed me a favor,” Rouge said as she got up. “Well you better start packing. I’ll go get some stuff for your cat and you.” Shadow needed and she left. Shadow sighed and flopped back on what was his bed and looked at Sophie who had barely moved.
“Well it looks like we’re going to start a new adventure…together.”

Well tell me what you think of it. Thanks