Ninja Name:Raiamu Nara
Age: 16
Rank: Jonin
Village From: Konohagakure
Specialty in: Ninjustu
Clan: Nara
Kekkei Genkei: N/A
Village: Hidden Mist Village
Preferred Weapon: Tanto (Short Sword)
Preffered Projectile: Kunai
Favorite Jutsu-
- Kagemane no justu - Shadow Imitation Technique
- Kage Kubi Shibari no justu - Shadow Neck Bind
- Katon: Endan - Fire Release: Flame Bullet
- Raiton: Gian - Lightning Release: False Darkness
Secondary Jutsu-
- Katon: Kasumi Endu no justu - Fire Release: Mist Covering technique
- Katon: Karyudan - Fire Release: Fire Dragon Missile
- Kageyose no justu - Shadow Endgame Technique
Ultimate Jutsu-
- Kage Nui no Justu - Shadow Sewing technique
- Katon: Gokakyu no justu - Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique
Bio: Raiamu grew up in Konoha. he was lazy, but would work when he had to. He wanted to be like his father and grandfather and become excellent ninja.
Theme Song: Fake - Toshihiro Matsuda (Which is also Shikamaru's theme.)
((I took this profile from another Naruto guild. It was just for the justu he uses.))