
I need every host to PM me by Saturday with questions answered.

1: Will you be able to attend the ball? Parts of it?
2: Will you be at Saturday's meeting? If not, why not?
3: What is the current status of your room? What are you missing? If you have no idea what your room needs, or what a room is, look here.

This is important, as it lets me know who is still alive.

Hosts that I have not received contact from:

Luna Verto
Nana Etoile
Mousse Chocolat
Princess Angelisha
Queenie Cee
Epcot Illuminations
Poisonous Roses

If your name is on this list, CLICK.

If I forgot someone, PM me. If you know of someone on this list who will not be attending, PM me. If there is anything you need, want, or are curious about, PM me. I hope I've made my point. I am VERY open to PMs.

*end rant*