Welcome to the Art Freebies Subforum!
Your one stop shop for all your art oriented charitable impulses!

  • Feeling generous and want to set up an art charity thread?

  • Low on gold and want to see if someone would be nice enough to make you a banner or avatar pic for free?

  • Looking for some test subjects *cough* I mean, nice users to practice your art on before you open up a shop?

  • Just want to make someone's day a bit nicer and help them out with a quick sketch?

Then this is the forum for you!

What kind of threads should I make here?

  • 'Offering Free art' Threads:

    If you are offering your services for free or want to run an 'art charity' then this is the place to make your thread!

Please do not make any other kinds of threads here!

Common Courtesy

Remember: The artists that have threads here or who may make you something are donating their time, energy, and sometimes materials to you for nothing! The least you can do is thank them and show some appreciation.

In artists threads, try and stick around and chat with them. Don't just show up to post 'draw me' and then grab your art and run off. Be courteous. If they have set up rules in their thread, follow them. Even if it's just a little doodle in paint, they've taken the time to do it for you. Being polite will get you a long way; no one wants to make art for someone who ignores them or treats them like dirt!

And remember, artists always have final say on who they will and will not draw. They have limited time and resources, and so, especially as the art is free, can pick and choose as they like. Do not harass artists to draw you or complain if they do not draw you.

Thanks and enjoy!

Remember: DO NOT post "Requesting free art" threads here. They belong in the Requests subforum instead.