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Total Votes : 74

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 5:34 pm
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Welcome to the plotting page of Vladislav Draculesti! Feel free to post or PM me with any offers or ideas you might have!
PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 5:36 pm
~~~ Getting to know Vlad ~~~

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The gist of Vlad: Vlad is a vampiric but reformed fallen angeni!

Personality: Vlad's personality is rather complex and resulting from his many years of life and many differing circumstances therein. Vlad is prideful and smug. He has a suave and smooth haughtiness that comes off as seductive self-possession as opposed to abrasive arrogance. He loves attention and admiration but cannot tolerate disrespect aside from the people he trusts and considers his friends. Though his appearance may suggest otherwise Vlad is not only not evil but he is actually very socially minded when a situation is dire. He won't stick his neck out to help a soquili having a bad day, but if that same soquili's life is at stake Vlad will leap to the rescue. Though he enjoys the attention heroic deeds provoke he is still less comfortable with being loved rather than feared. He tends to trivialize his own good deeds in exchange for heightening his more frightening habits and features in an either intentional or subconscious effort to bring himself back to what he is more comfortable with, being feared.

Vlad is a very emotional soquili. He sometimes falls prey to vicious mood swings. He can be energetic and outgoing one day to be despairing and practically suicidal the next. This tendency towards fierce emotion carries through to his affections too. Those that Vlad takes as his friends or family he will protect even in the face of great personal injury. That said, it isn't always easy to be Vlad's friend. In his fits of anger he will lash out at those around him heedless of their feelings, though he might regret it later. All in all he is very emotional and prone to outbursts, whether those outbursts are positive or negative.

Habits and hobbies:
Blood drinking: Vlad loves nothing more than the taste of hot blood. He still requires regular food to sustain him but Vlad is fond of saying: “Meat is the currency of the body and blood is the currency of the soul.” He feels spiritually recharged when he drinks blood and the longer he goes without drinking the more listless he gets. He generally drains his blood from the animals he hunts prior to eating them, but he also enjoys dazzling a mare into being a willing donor every once in a while.

Running water: Vlad hates running water with a passion. Looking at the movement disorients and dizzies him. He has a hard time flying over large rivers and venturing out over the ocean would be a recipe for disaster. He has never learned to swim due to this aversion and is convinced that he would drown immediately should he fall into any sizable body of water... and he's probably correct.

Garlic: Vlad hates garlic. Even the slightest hint of a garlic scent will drive him away from an area.

Religion: Vlad is Christian and has a close relationship with God (though this certainly hasn't always been the case). He mostly keeps this to himself except in moments of exhilaration in which he will exuberantly exclaim his theories to anyone who will listen.

Languages: Vlad speaks somewhere upwards of seven languages and loves learning more. He always tries to learn the local language before traveling to an area.

Sleep schedule: Vlad is nocturnal and has a great dislike for doing anything during the day. When he falls asleep during the day he is almost impossible to wake up. Even injury won't always wake him and Vlad worries that someone will wander up and kill him while he's asleep if he isn't guarded. He is quite capable of staying awake during the day and functioning... it just leaves him with low energy and a headache.

Fighting ability: Vlad is incredibly dangerous when provoked and can fall into a bloodlust rage if he is confronted by a dangerous enemy who won't back down. It is recommended that your soquili does not attempt to provoke him into attack if they like their innards where they are...

Disclaimer: The Draculesti family are "vampires" in the sense that they have and intentionally practice vampiric habits. They are not actually undead and do not possess any supernatural qualities.  

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 5:39 pm
~~~ Vlad's History ~~~

Note: Still tweaking some things around!

Vlad comes from a long line of vampirically inclined soquili warlords in the mountains of Romania. He was raised to be self-serving, prideful, and predatory. For a long time this served him very well. He would prey upon the other local soquili and humans alike. The Draculesti name, the name of him and his family, was whispered in fear throughout the local villages. The Draculestis would never prey so heavily upon one settlement that they would face retribution. Instead, the Draculestis and the locals lived in a sort of superstitious equilibrium.

Slowly, Vlad grew tired of this lifestyle. He grew bored of the mountains and of his bickering family and consorts and decided it was time to move on and find new places to haunt and new people to prey upon. He left Romania and began his travels around Europe, but that ended up being the biggest mistake of his life. He ventured into areas far more populated with humans than his sparse Romanian mountain villages. He devoured some of the local humans but without the force of his family and superstitions to protect him he was far more vulnerable than he realized. One day while he lay in his deep sleep the humans came upon him. By the time he woke from his slumber he was chained and bound to the humans that he had mocked as cattle just earlier.

For years the humans kept and tormented Vlad. Though some of their abuses were very painful the worst aspect of it was the isolation. Months would go by without being able to move or speak. The loneliness and trauma of captivity drove him into madness.

After what seemed like an eternity of captivity Vlad escaped in a moment of pure opportunistic luck. He didn't manage to kill or even hurt any of his captors. All he could do was disappear desperately into the night, hoping that he wouldn't be found and dragged back again. He hid in terror that the humans might find him again and recapture him but it was soquili that found him next. In his terrified and half-mad state the herd rightfully saw him to be a danger and an enemy. Seeing that he was very weakened they were able to capture him instead of killing him outright and Vlad once more found himself a captive, though this time he was a captive of his own kind.

After his long period of captivity in the hands of the humans, servitude was an easy habit to fall back into. Though he wouldn't ever admit it, it wasn't only easy to take his place as a slave again... it was comfortable. It was easier to live as the pathetic creature he had become than to confront it. The alpha of the herd took possession and ownership of him and he fell back into a pattern of slavery that he thought would last until his demise. Even so, it was a far different dynamic between slave and owner than previously.

Though he was a slave, the alpha mare treated him with respect. This small difference provoked a large change in reaction from Vlad. A combination of the respect and being owned by a soquili instead of a human (and a beautiful and powerful mare) seeded in Vlad an obsession that would only grow. He was deeply intrigued by the alpha mare and intrigue quickly became excitement. The thrill of serving her instead of his previous human owners brought back the spark of life and pride to him. In reality, a lot of his initial affection for her was likely some form of stockholm's syndrome, an unhealthy reaction from too long spent in captivity. During that time a lot of his old personality resurfaced, though his personality was warped by lingering madness and a new found passion for slavery.

The alpha mare wasn't entirely unaffected by her enthusiastic servant. She found herself intrigued by the angeni/kalona stallion that had come into her possession and saw potential. More importantly, she was a very moral mare and didn't like the idea of keeping any soquili as a slave, even if they were reduced to a deranged monster. It wasn't long before other members of the herd were convinced that she and Vlad were having an affair, much to the alpha's chagrin. Years passed with them together... until finally she gave Vlad what he had most wished for but never dreamed of, his freedom.

It was a rough transition. The alpha only managed to keep Vlad from falling immediately into chaotic rampage by impressing her will upon him from the moment of his release. He was still very obsessed about her and she worried that he would kill her in either a desperate act of love or despair. Though he was formally free and able to move around the herd as he willed he was under far closer scrutiny and control than when he actually was a slave. Somehow though, without pain and fear to feed it, Vlad's monstrous personality began to fall away. His unhealthy obsession for the alpha of the herd turned to adoration and, though he was still recovering from his years of abuse, they soon grew very close and were lifemated.

Vlad's selfless love for the alpha mare led to a series of changes that he found astonishing. He was the happiest he'd been in his life and with that happiness came a sharp decrease in his predatory and sadistic nature. With less internal pain he felt less moved to hurt others. His anger ebbed and contentment seeped in. To his mate he was downright puppy-ish with love, trust, and relief that his torments were over. Though initially he didn't hurt other soquili or humans due to loyalty and obedience to her, each time he chose not to kill he grew a little further from his origins and upbringing. He resisted knowledge of the meaning of his changes for as long as he could but eventually he could no longer hold back the realization. He was no longer an evil monster of darkness. His love for his mate had guided him to the path of goodness he had never known. He was redeemed and in that moment of knowing he felt the strength and the grace of his angeni heritage return to him. The weight of the shackles he wore now felt like nothing to him and in the time immediately after he decided to begin wearing a cross as a sign of his revelation and change. He accepted God, whom the Dracluestis had long reviled, and called himself a divine weapon.

Years passed and Vlad lived in happiness (though occasionally broken) with his lifemate. Unfortunately though, Vlad's mate was not so robust as he was. Vlad remained lovingly by her side while she dwindled, faded, and eventually died. Vlad had long prepared himself for this occurrence but was still deeply saddened by it. In mourning and grief he decided to return to his homeland in Romania to try to piece together what he would do with his life in the wake of his lifemate and love's death. He was some ways away from home and he decided to sneak aboard a human boat to get there more swiftly. This would have worked just fine... if he had chosen the right boat. In the haze of his grief he had boarded a boat bound for America instead of his homeland. By the time Vlad realized his mistake it was too late for him to fly back to Europe and he was trapped and heading for a strange land about which he knew nothing.

Sick and frustrated from a long boat ride and still grieving, Vlad arrived in America. He loathed boats and he wasn't about to inflict another long voyage on himself so soon, which left him residing in America. What he was going to do while there, he had no idea, but he had no desire to linger nearby the settler's colonies. Alone in a new land, Vlad set out on a path that would eventually lead him to the soquili lands...  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:03 pm
~~~ Plots and things ~~~

What I am looking for:

Vlad is in great need of a servant (or as many as he can find). He especially needs soquili willing to guard him while he sleeps during the day. He's looking for respectful and non-evil soquili for these positions. They don't have to worship the ground he walks on (though he does enjoy a bit of worship) but they have to be able to obey him and not aggravate him.

Blood donors: Vlad would love if he could find a pretty mare or two willing to offer him some blood. He'd be quite willing to sweep a mare off her feet in the process, as long as she doesn't expect any sort of commitment after.

Other entourage members: Vlad likes being surrounded by people who entertain him. He would be interested in storytellers, guards, blood donors, flashy pretty ponies, other exotic soqs that caught his interest, etc. What he asks for is respect and loyalty. What he offers is protection. He will fiercely guard what is "his" and this includes followers. He would never hurt an entourage member or allow anyone else to hurt them, though he is temperamental and occasionally is given to bouts of yelling and other verbal abuses.

Someone to save: I want Vlad to be confronted by someone in immediate danger just so he has to pull himself out of his darkness to help them. He doesn't like to admit that he would save someone in distress before him, but he would. He especially has a soft spot for fillies, so it'd be extra fun for him to be moved to save a filly!

Someone to fight: Just to play with how he fights. As a warning, Vlad is massively dangerous when he gets going.

A beloved rival: I'm looking for a stallion for Vlad to have a love/hate relationship with. I'd like this stallion to take on the job of Vlad's primary daytime guardian and protect him while he sleeps. Vlad can be very emotional and moody and I'd like this stallion to be the one to kick him when he's being ridiculous and knock him out of moping. I'd like this stallion to have a loud and aggressive personality and butt heads with Vlad often! Importantly though, this stallion should nooooot be evil. Loud and of dubious morality is fine... but Vlad couldn't associate long-term with someone evil. Eventually I'd like Vlad and this stallion to become lovers. Vlad isn't going to be ready to let another mare be close to him in a long time... but he could accidentally fall for an aggressive stallion.

Those are my ideas for now. Feel free to suggest more!  

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:13 pm
~~~ Vlad's Entourage ~~~

~~ Guards ~~

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Delacroix is just as lost in the Kawani lands as Vlad is. He works for Vlad because he is accustomed to the warrior lifestyle and uncertain about what else to do with his life currently. He serves as one of Vlad's guards. He fears Vlad due to his kalona blood, but at the same time he can't help but be captivated by his power.

~~ Servants ~~

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Serghei has served the Draculesti family for most of his life. However, he grew tired of their idle cruelty so left them in order to seek out Vlad. He serves Vlad now happily as both a servant and a bodyguard. Occasionally he even gives Vlad some of his blood. He considers himself the head servant and has taken it upon himself to organize and train the other soquili that serve him.

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Rockin' has had a hard life thus far. Because of many run ins with abusive mares, he has an innate fear of them now. At this stage in his life Rockin' is looking for some sort of shelter for him to cling to while he tries to figure himself out. He's most likely going to be very dependent on Vlad for that period time.
As for jobs, Rockin' is able to do whatever odd jobs Vlad will require of him. Gathering berries and herbs, caring for wounds, telling stories, basically anything. The only thing he won't do is fight. It's against his code to hurt another living thing, since he's been scarred so deeply.

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Aurora is a devoted servant to Vlad. She is an entertainer with her lovely voice, as well as a figure for hungry eyes. She stays very close to the watchful eye of Vlad even when she is not serving him, as she is easily manipulated by others, and this could lead to great harm to her or others whom she cares for.

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Iancu comes from Vlad's homeland and has known him for many years. He is devoted to Vlad to the level of obsession. To him, Vlad can tell no lie and do no wrong. He is quick to anger and to fly to the defense of Vlad when he feels that he is being criticized. He pretends that he doesn't understand kawani, but he actually knows it quite well.

~~ Blood Donors ~~

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His ward:

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Former servant  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:28 pm

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:37 am
Now open!  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:21 am
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Concordia Discors would be willing to be a blood donor, seeing she would find this "kinky" and might derive pleasure from it. She won't ask for a commitment, and might just want sex from time to time.  


Adorable Fairy

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:32 am
Vlad: *eyes the mare with interest*

Ha ha... well if they can both take kinky enjoyment from it, all the better! As for sexy times... Vlad is still majorly hung up over his dead lifemate so while he'd be willing to indulge in that sort of behavior sometimes... XD He may or may not get broody afterward.  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:46 pm
Concordia Discors: *Flutters her eyes at the stallion.*

And, she won't be craving sex all the time. It's kind of like only when the mood strikes her... or when she goes into "heat". *Brick'd.*


Adorable Fairy

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:01 pm
XD Well... I'm good with that dynamic so long as you or Concordia don't expect kids from it. Vlad also may or may not decide in a moment of sudden grief that he needs to ignore her completely for a while too. He knows his lifemate would have wanted him to move on and find company with others... but he's still gonna have massive mood swings every once in a while.

In fact, he's going to intentionally stay emotionally distant with her if they're being physical, so it doesn't infringe on his relationship with his late lifemate.  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:46 pm
~~~ Enemy ~~~
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Id like to toss Sutekh out there as someone to fight. Being a mutant demon himself he should be able to give Vlad a good work out. Sutekh is a complex fellow, having been a regular soquili that crossed paths, badly, with a few demonic creatures. He was cursed and sent to live in the very depths of hell, (or rather, the deadly ice caves of the mountain pass). He has few memories of his first existance and even fewer of his torment, but when he was finally released, he emerged a changed beast. He has an intense hatred of all creatures, small or large, and especially of things big enough to put him back in the hell he escaped. His long incarceration also drove him slightly mad, not the slavering, manic murder type of mad, but in that he has become tormented and twisted within himself. While the real personality within screams at the pain of what had been done to him, the creature he now is sneers at weakness and will quite happily bite of a lesser's head if they bother him too much. Rarely does his tormented soul reveal itself, as he keeps it locked within the frozen ice of his chest.

He has mellowed a little, having met and hence forth been followed by a pesky, rather strange half-unicorn called Ennuiel who seems a bit mental herself. The pair have formed a bizarre but mutually beneficial partnership. Though if asked, he will flatly deny needing her at his side to keep the madness under control.

OOCly: Hes had very little reason to get stirred up and has become lethargic and bored since the baskets hatched into fine, upstanding evil sons who made him very proud but then grew up and become independent and able to carry forth his master plan unsupervised... a fight with a powerful half-kalona would be just the thing to perk him back up again and get him living again.

Oh, and hes big almost twice the size of a good sized regular soquili, so he can pack a mean punch.

edit: so I don't clutter the thread.. Thank you Lee!! <3  


Allied Recalibrator


Adorable Fairy

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 7:06 pm
I do not expect kids at all. And, if he does ignore her, she'll probably be miffed about it and try to ploy something against him. It might simply just being more "hard to get" when it comes to getting her blood.

That's fine. xD I think it would be better to stay emotionally distant from her. >w>

Kaisanti, that's an awesome stallion. O: <3
PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:41 am
Blood donor? (if you're still looking for young ladies for that =)
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It would actually be kind of interesting for her to succumb to such advances given her parentage (mother is mutant-kalona), she actually hunts herself but doesn't eat the kill as she doesn't really like it, and would intrigued by someone that goes for just the blood whee  


Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:05 pm
@ Kaisanti: Awesome! Vlad is a pretty scary guy and though he's big... he's not that big. XD It'd definitely be a challenge for him too... and nothing perks him up like a life or death struggle. He and Vlad seem to have some things in common, both having been chained up and driven a little crazy by it at a point in their life.

I suppose we'd need to come up with a reason for the two of them to decide to tear each other apart.

Also... Vlad has a lot of respect and admiration for people who can seriously challenge him in a fight. He'd either come out of a fight really hating Sutekh or really loving him! XD

@ Leez: Lol! Well! It sounds like they can work out, then! I want to make a section for blood donors in the plot thread. Do you want to write up a blurb about her/her dynamic with Vlad? Kinda like the one I wrote for Delacroix in the entourage section. And, would she be following him around, or would she just drop in every once in a while?

@ Sayuri: Vlad would love all the blood donors he can find and he'd certainly be intrigued by Yamikia's mix of heritages. Would she want to follow him around in a more permanent manner and become part of his entourage, or is she more of an occasional visitor? ^^  
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