need help with any thing i'm here peoplez
1.ll R i i a ll-10000~still donating to her whenever i can
2.ami8-25000~shes gone now though
3.the great dark rebel-5000~don't even know her lol
4.daskiai-2500~old account
5.thatDARNEDx Saffie!!-605~old account
6.cookie monster 0_0 rawr -25000~he won a contest from me on here
7.supah doolz-5000~he's in this group
8.x-Hatsya-x-2000~she posted and bumped like i said she got her gold
9.xPoisonous Lips Kissx-2000~she posted bumped and stuff and got some cashxD
10._tilamce_-4000~posted bumped and got his money
11.AB91-1000~posted bumped got gold
12. kjd564 -1000~posted bumped
13. Darkness ll Angel-1000~posted bumped
14. Luna Lovegood89-1000~posted bumped
15.XxpotatoesxX -1000~posted bumped
16.LittleMidoriGirl -1000~posted bumped