Did you know that vampires can get drunk? Recently, a new innovation has come out. Blood mixed with alcohol, and it's become a hit. Nickolai, after his first sip, liked it too much.

The next morning he woke up with a newborn vampire in his bed that he now has to take care of.

Hilary had a fantastic life.
She had just started a new job in an exciting career and dumped her horrid boyfriend. She was a free woman. Then she had to run out of milk at midnight when she had an intense craving for cereal. She ran into a guy at the Seven Eleven who managed to talk his way into walking home with her and having sex.
Now he's telling her that she can't go outside in the daytime, which means she can't go to her fabulous new job and rub her wonderful singleness in her ex's face until sundown. and it's all that stupid guy's fault.

Name: Hilary Payton
Age: 25
Image: User Image

We'll be doing this one in PMs, it's easier for me smile