I already have a journal on here for going to the gym, but honestly I had quit. The gym wasn't working anymore. I got tired of see people who were fit where I wanted to be at. Not to mention back in Feburary, I got pulled over by cop for accidentally going through a red light and let me just say, the ticket he gave me, just ******** me through the a**. Really screwed me up. I was no longer able to drive anymore because of that blasted piece of paper.

A few times at the gym I have seen this P90X workout commercial. It really looked legit, because involved homework outs. Not like one of those machines they advertise on tv, like the abb circle, the kangaroo jack, etc.

It wasn't until tonight I had just finished my abb workouts, when I saw this product again and I began to research it, checking customer feedback, not on the site, but other sites, because I knew other sites would be more honest.

Everyone who tried it said it was amazing and it really worked, however there is a problem. 1 was that the workouts don't ease you into it, like most workout programs. No! They throw you into it like your Pillsbury doe boy being put through boot camp. Every workout is tough, there is no easy way out. 2nd thing is that even the staff for p90x, and a lot of customers stressed to people, that you really need to follow it, you can't skip days because of whatever. You really needed to stick with it. Personally I had like this.

I am going to order P90X tomorrow. Apparently it comes in 12 dvd's. Yes 12 and their diet guide which helps you understand nutrition a lot better. The whole workout last a total of 90 days, but i guess you can repeat it to get even more results. I talked to other people about this and that's what they did, and still got great results.

You pay $59.90 for the first payment and shipping and handling. Then you get billed a 2nd payment after 30 days for $39.95 and finally another payment after 30 more days, of 39.95. Honestly for me, that's really not bad. $139.08 all together. If you think of it this way, your learning different self workouts, as well with getting a guide on nutrition, as well with understanding muscle growth.

You may be saying oh $139.08 is not bad. Nah it isn't, but you have to spend more money. Your probably saying "WHAT!".

Yah! That's right! Part of the whole entire workout they tell you, that you need some gear. Uh huh, "gear". A pull up bar. Really doesn't matter what kind. I heard a lot of people say it doesn't matter what kind. A yoga mat. Some light, medium, and heavy dumb bells or resistance bands. Push up stands. Some workout gloves, and lastly, something you probably already have at home, a chair.

Personally why am I choosing to go this route? Because I saw more results when I first started loosing weight, and that was at HOME! For 6 months, I dropped 53 pounds. And that was all done at home. I saw more results, then what I did then when I was going to gym for 4 months!

Seriously, I honestly can't stand the gym anymore, I mean you have to drive to it and if it gets crowded which my gym does, You have to wait on other people to get to use other equipment. I remember a few times I was asked to leave while riding a bike, note; in the corner of the room, because a class was going on.

Also the gym trainers in my gym are pathetic. 90% of them are overweight. I mean, what kind of example are setting for your clients, and honestly everyone of them, no lie, will have an excuse to why they are overweight.

I seen some people in the gym who are having a hard time working out, and a gym trainer will come over, won't even correct them, will look at them, and will say something like, "you should think about getting a trainer. they will really help you". Then they walk off. I am thinking, "wow, what support you are".

But anyways, enough of that. I will let you all know when everything gets here and how it goes.