[Definition at bottom]

By SuicideWraith

It’s night, and I’m taking a walk. Only, it’s not me, it’s someone familiar, very familiar. I feel like I know him, yet I have never actually seen him. If only I could see his face. But that’s impossible. I see through his eyes, feel through his body, and smell through his nose. It’s as if he were me. Only, he isn’t. I walk down the beaten up side walk that runs next to the pothole ridden city street. I stop and stare up at the cloud covered moon. I turn to cross the street, almost home now. I look at the street sign to make sure I’m headed in the right direction. George Ave. Yes that’s right. I hear the sound of a car, but I keep walking because I know that they’ll see me. And then, I turn around, and see the lights, the lights that will end my life. Only, it’s not me.

My name is Damon. I’ve been having these vivid dreams all my life. Twenty-five years of the same exact car accident. It’s been hell on my health; I can’t sleep some nights because I fear the pain I’m going to experience when that car hits. I don’t know why I have these dreams, these visions. I haven’t been in a car accident, nor have anyone of my friends or family members. I’ve read books about past lives and how sometimes memories carry over from life to life. But that’s all nonsense. Pure conjecture. Right? I’m not sure anymore.

I’ve looked up car accidents that happened around 26 to 28 years ago. I’ve found a victim that perfectly matches the person in my dream. Victor Rose. Twenty-five years old. Died in a car accident while crossing George Avenue at night. Coincidence? That’s what I used to believe. Now? I’m not sure anymore. I could possibly be the reincarnation of Rose. His second chance at life. This theory is what I’ve been leaning towards of late. It’s what feels right to me. But there’s no evidence, no proof, no reality in it, none at all. Yet, it’s right, I know it is, I feel it is. But, That’s all just conjecture.

[kuh n-jek-cher]
1. The formation or expression of an opinion or theory without sufficient evidence for proof.
2. An opinion or theory so formed or expressed; guess; speculation.
3. Obsolete: the interpretation of signs or omens.

I hope you liked it. First ever short story for me, critique is apreciated.