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"What's your opinion on the Death Penalty?" "Do you think abortion should be legal?" "Gun rights: are the government's current gun policies constitutional?" "What religion are you, & how do you think it affects your morals & judgments" ... These are some examples of topics that the Intelligent, Literate Real Life Discussions & Debates subforum are perfect for! Making a post here doesn't mean you're claiming to be intelligent or that you've mastered the English language; but please try & be adult, thoughtful, & comprehensible in your posts here!

General Guidelines/Suggestions for Reading and Posting Threads

No duplicated threads - Don't create a thread on a subject that already exists, unless your thread intends to approach the subject in a completely different manner. However, having three threads devoted to arguing about Homosexuality, for example, is a waste of space as well as confusing & unproductive.
Do not enforce your beliefs on others - Don't try and force your beliefs on others. Making a kickass argument to support your opinion... That's great. "Preaching" your beliefs, strongly implying or flat out stating that your opinion is the only correct opinion & making judgments about anyone who doesn't agree with that opinion (such as "they're stupid", "they're blasphemous")... That's treading on very thin ice, so to speak.
Literacy - Please make an effort to make your posts in this subforum void of "text talk" & whatnot. It's okay if you spell a word wrong or make a grammatical error or whatever, this subforum isn't elitist & we don't ask for perfection. However, we do ask that you utilize proper spelling & grammar to the best of your ability.
Avoid threads that you feel uncomfortable with - Due to the argumentative nature of this subforum, it's very likely that certain threads or posts might really, really bother you. If a particular thread & opinions expressed in that thread really, really get under your skin, the best thing to do is avoid that thread entirely, especially if you've already participated in it & people's responses to your feedback have made you even more upset. I'm not ordering you to stay away from any threads; just make sure you have yourself under control.


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As this subforum is named, all debate threads belong in this subforum, not anywhere else. Ignorance and negligence of these rules would result in the locking or deleting of your thread.


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Things not pertaining to the above rule(s). B U R N has Subforums for all of your needs; and we ask that you post things in the appropriate place. If your thread does not belong in the place where you've posted it, it will be moved and a message sent to you.

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No spamming- This is defined as posting nonsense & gibberish. Also posting styles with advertisements mixed in that obscure what you say or large advertisement links; please keep that in the Chatterbox. Small links to quest threads, or other things are allowed, but try to keep them in your signature. No MyBrute links, ever!

No flamming - This pertains to all manner of abuse, rude behavior, and Personal Attacks. This also includes harassing someone who posts in the wrong Forum, or calling someone a Troll. We all have things we like & don't like. Don't be rude to someone who has vastly different, or even unreasonable taste, we can't all love Halo, or Twilight.

Misplaced Threads- If a Thread is in this Subforum by mistake, feel free to post in it as if it were in the right forum, it will be moved eventually. However, do not post in a thread just to say it's misplaced, instead inform a Crew Member / Member of the Advisory Board of Directors.

All rules are subject to change - Rules will be changed & updated as needed, the thread title will show when the rules were last updated. Ignorance and negligence of these rules would result in the locking or deleting of your thread.