I'm sure of of you have seen my past attempt-and-fail at keeping one of these, but I am TRYING to be good at this. I'm sick of feeling like lard D:<

Anywho, I'll try to keep it short-but-sweet

Starting April 23, 2010 [Anew]
Weight: 140ish ): (I totally binged last night out of frusteration, damnit)
Height: 5'5.5" d:

Where I'd like to be: 120; 115 would make me one very happy mf'er, though (;

I drink about 3-6 21oz bottles a day, and am TRYING to cut-back/quit.

I admit, I have been very lazy as of late. And I know I need to get out of it. I have struggles with eating disorders for quite some time. I'm not anorexic, obese, or bulimic.

I have days I go and hardly eat anything, then days (or nights, really) I just binge due to emotions. I am trying my best to no longer do that.

Today, I will eat healthily. I will drink lots of water, all day. And I am going to do my Jillian Michaels: Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism DVD shortly.

After this, I will try to do Turbo Jam-either T3, or Lower Body Jam

I will also try to go running this afternoon.

Off to HYRULE! D:<