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Username: iicrimsonr0se
Name:Daisuke/Reina Yamamoto
Age: 14/Reina looks 15 but is really 189 years old
Gender: male and female
Race:human/fire demon
Hair ColorRed
Eye ColorBlue
Personality: Daisuke is generally a calm and nice person who loves to flirt with guys. He has an endless temper and it usually takes a lot to anger him while his female form is the exact opposit. When Reina takes over she is very short tempered often belittling her opponents and killing humans for no reason. She enjoys the time she gets when in her form .
Weapons: Daisuke double twin blades, Reina a short dagger hidden in her sleeve
Powers: They both posses the ability of levitation the male form has the ability to flash freeze anything he touches and depending on the amount of spirit power a person posses will indicate weather they will flash instantly of the opponent is very powerful they will get a cold tingling sensation and it will take a whole minuet in order for it to work. His female form poses the ability to generate beams of plasma from her palms. While this is more powerful than the male counterpart the times of transformation cant be indicated yet when in this form the spirit power increases however whatever knowledge the male form posses on the opponent doesnt transfer over.
Their Life: Daisuke was born with a bit of spirit power which came out when he was 10 years old. As he grew so did his control of his powers a female fire demon attempted to take over his body but something unexpected happened. THe body rejected the new host however he didnt have enough spirit power to knock the demon out so they ended up merging and from time to time the female takes over at random moments and this side is very short tempered and enjoys killing humans when she has control. Daisuke however goes to school and when this happens he blacks out unaware of whats happening. It is kind of like sleeping yet he cant dream..
Other: none
Parents: Shinobu Yamamoto-mom Inaki Yamamoto
Theme song: Hey even people need badass theme songs!
Crush:Male form- Hiei Female form -kuwabara