Title suggestions? Post 'em. X3 Tee hee. if you have any questions, please feel free to ask in this thread. :3 Or PM me. Whatever floats your boat.

...things are not as peaceful as they appear to be...

For years, an ongoing, undercover war has been going on between Maltili and an organization by no name. Many innocent people have been accidentally been caught in the crossfire, lives lost, and nobody knows why.

But how much is either side telling us? For years, everyone's known Maltili is a corrupt government. Nobody has done anything about it, for treason, in Maltili is punishable by death. But who knows if they have a reason? Who could say?

The unbalanced forces of the two sides is causing chaos across the country, and the neighboring countries – Baltinik, Nehithiam, and the Vulcan Republic (which is actually a part of maltili itself, but was a conquered nation) – are starting to get involved.

The organization sees it's chance, and takes action, heading to the country's capital. To the belly of the beast, you could say. But there are so many unanswered questions, was it the right move to make?


ha ha yes. Sorry, crap plot. I had just gotten up and I don't wanna rewrite it. XP

IN MORE UNDERSTANDABLE ENGLISH, basically the world is at war with Maltili (and vice versa), with a secret organization thrown into the mix. Joy! Feel free to sub-plot with anyone else. X3


Yes. I always reiterate the obvious when I make RPs. XD Old habits die hard

--Only RP in third person. Please. And none of
Character: stuff *action*
^ that either. XD
-- Mary-sues will be killed upon sight. Please don't make them, we have enough Bella Swans in the world.
-- To me, bio = history ONLY, so please, please, please.... do not correct me on it. being corrected on things I have a habit of due to my experience really, really annoys me. So XD
-- Please, if you can, no pictures for the appearance. Unless you drew it... and even then, pleasepleaseplease type out a description.
-- Is the main plot boring to you? Sub plot with other members of this role play. >C It's not my job, I always create my plots this vauge. C: To let people have as much freedom within it as possible~
--This RP is literate. If you use chat speak, i'ma have to skewer you D: Also proper grammar is a virtue. c:
-- keep the sides even.
-- Details, details, details when role playing and filling out the form. XDD No one-liners.


Username: (Self explainatory. XD)
Character name: (above)
Age: (Please use any age sixteen and above, unless you have a good reason.)
Nationality: (Vulcanese, Maltilian, Baltinish, Nehithian [include your species in these. No restrictions.)
Side: (Organization [include your rank in brackets], Maltili, Baltinik, etc)
Personality: (At least a paragraph, please. X3)
Appearance: (Please, no pictures. Please write out how your character looks. And don't use the appearance of an anime character, either!)
Bio: (History. Optional.)
Relationship(s): (if any. You may edit this field at any time.)
Weapon(s) And Abilities: (optional. There WILL be battles. There WILL be blood. But if you're not prepared, not my fault.)
Other: (optional.)


Username: Fancy Middy
Character name: Midnight Twistar Shadowflare
Age: Seventeen
Nationality: Vulcanese [Human/Feline/Avian hybrid]
Side: Organization [V-Rank Agent]
Personality: Middy is, if nothing else, stubborn. She often refuses to beleive anything she doesn't want to, and you will almost never be able to pursuade her otherwise. She's loyal to her friends, but just a plain backstabbing b*****d to anyone who crosses her or she doesn't like. She prefers to keep to herself around strangers and often just listens to her MP3. She's VERY opinionated on multiple subjects. At times, she can be completely random. Also, watch out for her temper... She's quick to enrage.

Appearance: She has long, purple hair with red streaks in it. her skin tone is slightly tan, and her eyes are blue. her eyes are more narrow then most people from the Vulcan Republic, most likely because of her half-maltilian, half-vulcanese bloodline. Her hair hides the left side of her face and hides her ears on both sides (the totally left and totally right sides are longer than the rest of her bangs). Above her right eye is the most concntrated area of her highlights. Her wingspan is sixteen feet across, and near the joints where her shoulders and wings meet, is black fur instead of black feathers like the rest of the first row of her wings. The first row is black, the second row of feathers is burnt brown/orange, and the bottom row is white. Speaking of fur, there's fur on the back of her head of the color black (hidden by her purple hair) and thin up and down her spine.

She usually wears a pale blue cut off, strapless top with thin slits in the back for her wings, which is hidden underneath her black trench coat. She wears jean cut-off shorts. On the outside of her coat, she has a pale red-orange belt (which is used to hold her handguns, also her weapon of choice). She wears black combat boots.

Bio: N/A. Haven't typed it, too lazy to at the moment.
Relationship(s): None worth mentioning. She's kind-of friends with Xauc, though.
Weapon(s): Two hand guns, and her ability as the Warrior of Fire. She can like, summon fire (or raise her body temperature in specific parts to catch the air on fire there... It's complicated.). She's worked especially on creating a whip of fire that extends from only her left index and middle fingertips; and she's gotten pretty close, but someone usually interrupts her and she usually ends up having to insanely lower her body temperature to about 90* F for a few minutes (putting herself in a temporary state of hypothermia, if you will) to cool down enough not to burn anything when she touches it. She sometimes breathes fire when she's enraged, exremely happy, etc. (when her emotions run high, she has a hard time controlling her power and her ability goes haywire, sometimes injuring someone around her.) The fire whip is the only thing she can really do without burning herself/catching somethign on fire by accident.
Other: Nope

Username: Fancy Middy
Character name: Xauc and Genocide
Age: Physically and mentally, seventeen. Really, they're only one (see bio)
Nationality: Unknown [Human]
Side: Organization [N-Rank Agent, on Middy's team (Xauc)]; Genocide is on nobody's side and follows his OWN agenda.
Personality: XAUC:
Xauc is the quiet, shy, socially withdrawn guy. At least around strangers. He doesn't like to talk much, and for a semi-good reason, too. more often than not, he ends up saying sumething stupid out of fear or nervousness and forgets to think before he speaks. he bottles up his emotions, which Middy keeps warnign him is really, really unhealthy, and, eventually, the pressure gets to him and he, hypothetically, goes kaboom. Sometimes with violent results. He prefers to direct anger inwards, blaming himself instead of others, but more often than not, if he has a problem with something or thinks the blame was placed wrongly on him by others, he'll play the blame game and blame someone else. He's mentally unstable, clearly.

GENOCIDE: He's a sadistic little b*****d, oh yes he is. he often mentally tortures Xauc (extra stress on mentally. Xauc and Genocide share a body, and neither one of them has a physical form without the other.), which is partially the reason he's so unstable. (see history for other reasons) Genocide works on his own adgenda and does things only when he has a coherent intrest at heart – whether it's obvious or not. He takes pleasure in killing (unlike Xauc) and doesn't see friends as a necessity, rather, something that drags him down and limits him. He's manipulative... Don't fall for ANYTHING he tries to say, he does not care about you.
Appearance: Xauc and Genocide have white hair with blood red highlights. Their hair is messy – usually in their face – and partially hides their eyes – which are wider than Middy's, but still narrow. Their eyes are blood red (For Xauc, his eyes are round and cloudy, for Genocide, his irises are kind of slitted like both of their pupil's are, and are considerably lighter in shade than Xauc's). They usually wear a black trench coat, black jeans, black shoes, and a tiger-print shirt.
Bio: "G-13 Genocide" (aka Xauc and Genocide; although at the time they were one entity), was created in a lab, in fact, the same lab where Midnight was taken, but in a much later time frame. He was trained to only kill his target, and was sheltered from most good things life has to offer (like instant ramen). as to prevent him from possibly disobeying orders. He was one of the last creations to come from the Genocide Project, run by the Matilian government to take over neighboring countries.

However, what they didn't know was that a scientist, named Aryan was secretly telling him about the outside world and everything beyond the bounds of his current knowledge. She taught him some basic math and started teaching him how to read and write, but not very much. Usually, she would read stories to him whenever she got the chance.

A few weeks after she'd started to do so, he and one of the others, Marcy Rose, attempted to escape the lab on a makeshift boat, but unfortunately, their attempt failed and they never got another chance before Marcy was eliminated, being thought the cause of his sudden attempt to flee.

Unknown to most people, including Xauc himself, Aryan once worked on the Warrior Project. And she wasn't about to give it up easily. She offered him a strange chemical, which nearly killed him because his body hadn't been prepared for such a shock, and another scientist caught her. Right before Xauc's very eyes, and helpless to do anything about it, Aryan was shot to death.

As soon as he regained consciousness after the whole ordeal he was more like an empty shell than anything else. He slipped away as Genocide, who can best be described as his "dark side" and doesn't have most of the restraints Xauc has, gained control. Genocide proceeded to brutally murder everyone but perhaps a few, who fled in a chopper. (This may or may not be the reason Xauc occasionally mutters the phrase "blood-stained hands" while he is asleep.)

When Midnight and Sivera were sent on a mission a few months later to investigate what had happened there and get some clues as to why they were 'chosen' for the Warrior Project, they met Xauc, who fled multiple times but was eventually cornered in his old room, which had blood smeared all over the walls from Aryan, himself, and those Genocide murdered that day.

Midnight repeatedly beat him with a wooden bat, which he thinks is "for no reason" when she was asking him questions like "what the f* happened here!?". He would always scream "I don't know" as an answer, only evoking more of her wrath. Eventually, Sivera calmed Midnight down and calmly asked Xauc the same questions, only in a nicer wording, at which point he was too frightened to respond to any of them, only repeating the phrase "I don't know" over and over until he broke down into hysterical sobbing.

Despite all that, he lives in the same place as Midnight, although he still has an unnoticeable avoidance to her.
Relationship(s): None worth note.
Weapon(s) And Abilities: Xauc uses... nothing, really. Knives, maybe. Genocide uses an axe. They are the Warriors of Darkness but... As the Warrior of Darkness, they actually can't do much. Their only ability is Shadow Travel, but they can't use it much because neither of them have enough energy (mental and physical) most of the time to do so. They can only use Shadow Travel with 'true shadows', and their positions across the world change nightly at midnight Central time. When they do find one and has enough energy to use it, they usually don't use it anyway (it wouldn't really have much of a point; he's really tired afterwards and there's an annoying distance restriction in place (it has to be under 8km)). There is no way to really tell if a shadow is a 'true' one or not, and therefor they have to go by trial and a lot of error. They cannot hide in the area between the true shadow and the 'Shadow Gate', as they call it, because the Shadow Gate is a two dimensional plane, and between the shadow and the Shadow Gate is only enough air to last thirty seconds. This is reset as soon as they reach the other side.

Other: They share a body.


Fancy Middy // Xauc, Genocide, and Midnight. [[ organization; X,M; None; G]]

AAAAND GO! APPLY! YOU MAY POST! WHATEVER! When we have enough people we'll start. ^^