Title: (Extended) Family Dinner
Author: Lady Gyrfalcon (i.e., my good self wink )
Disclaimer: There is no way in which I own any of the Ace Attorney characters or scenario, at all. They're all property of Capcom.
Series:Ace Attorney games (post-Apollo Justice.)
Pairing: Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth, there'd be some secondary ones if this wasn't a mere blip of a fic.
Warnings: Mild spoilers (character names) for Ace Attorney Investigations, mild spoilers for Apollo Justice.
Notes: Short piece of absolute and slightly doofey WAFF written because An Triail ("The Trial" in Irish) is a very sad play about '60s Ireland and I didn't want to be thinking about '60s Ireland all day.
Plus, I've gotten back into Ace Attorney fandom and once again wanted to briefly demonstrate my silly devotion to my OTP.
Constructive criticism is welcome and would be positively encouraged if this wasn't shorter than a Manx cat's tail. However, I would be glad to know how my characterisation fares, and if anyone has any thoughts on my writing style.
Oh, and I rather regrettably haven't yet had the chance to play Apollo Justice, so I'm winging it slightly with some things.

So without further ado:

(Extended) Family Dinner

"Wright, if I had known..." The dry words were accompanied by a level stare.
"...That it would involve treating the entire extended family to dinner at irregular junctures..." He gestured down the lengthy, fully occupied table that they were sitting near the head of, occupied as it was by friends, relatives and friends who might as well have been relatives.
"...I never would have married you." He smirked at Phoenix across the table, who smiled back widely, before placing his left hand over Miles' right one.
"Yeah, right. And it wouldn't cause the world to end if you used my given name in public, Miles." That smile became a mirroring smirk.

He heard Trucy making kissy-noises and Apollo shushing her, to the backdrop of Kay (how had she got there? She had appeared announcing something to the tune of having stolen the directions to the meal) blathering on at Maya and Pearl about how awesome a detective "Uncle Badd" was, as Gumshoe nodded enthusiastically, peppering the conversation with a periodical "That's right, Pal!" Maggey happily listened on.
"Miles Edgeworth! I will not stand by and watch such foolishly foolish displays of sentimental foolishness!" That statement drifted up the table, followed by Adrian giggling lightly and trying to appease Franziska. ("She's aggravated by being later than I in accomplishing something yet again," he confided to Phoenix later.)

Back to the matter at hand.
"That's well and good, but do you have to wear that hideous hat every day you're not in court?"
"Eh, force of habit. Besides, it was made with love." He poured them both another glass of grapejuice.
"But maybe, just maaay-be I could stretch myself to wearing it only every other day if you call me Phoenix all the time. Or admit that you've always had a thing for the spikes."
Miles harrumphed out a laugh, face reddening slightly.

Sitting there, he could see the shape of the months and perhaps even that of the years to come.
Marital bliss (hopefully), one trying to get the other to either smarten up or loosen up (probably) and the two of them working together to ease out the knots in the Jurist system (definitely).
Edgeworth looked over the crowded table again and back to the man across from him. His rival, friend, lover and now his husband.
Suffice to say he was the happiest he had been in some time.