Ok, this is just too awesome not to tell people.

Well, I was in a musical (It's over ; - ; ), this happened on our third to last showing.

So, me and a few of my friends--Josie, Phoebe, Avian (a boy), and Noura--were waiting outside the bathrooms so we could changed. Well, Josie, Avian and me were; Phoebe and Noura aren't old enough to be in the musical yet.
The bathrooms are tiny and get squished REALLY fast. Anyway, whenever the boys' bathroom door would open, I'd cover my eyes so I couldn't see inside. Then all of a sudden, when I had my eyes covered people started yelling my name, "Oh my god [my name], look--it's your boyfriend!" See, I was part of the ONLY couple in the musical, so even though I'm a sophomore and he's (his name is Birch) a senior, we basically became known as boyfriend and girlfriend--Kendra and Brett--around school even though he's in a relationship and I have the world's biggest crush on someone else. Though I accumulated a mini-crush on him because he is 1) quirky 2) ******** sexy 3) his smile reminds me of the cat in the hat... anyway.

So as people were shouting, I turned to see what the hubbub was about. Thomas (junior) was standing in the doorway, all "check me out"-like, holding the door all the way open. I couldn't tell what was going on inside 'cos I'm kind of prude sometimes and I didn't want to look, but all I knew was that I was not supposed to be looking at Thomas, I was supposed to be looking at Birch, and I really didn't want to look inside.

Later, after I got changed, I caught up to Thomas as he was walking to the auditorium. I started asking him what the ******** he was doing, and he said, "blame Hal." And after a few other things he said I was gross. I said, "What the ********. You were the one holding the door open!"

Anyway, we talked until we got into the art room where everyone's stuff was. I talked with Olivia for a little, then I went outside to wait for my mom to pick me up.

Outside, I talked to Hal, Thomas, and Nigel, who gave me the whole story.

1. Birch was showing of his muscles to the guys.
2. Thomas saw me covering my eyes when the door opened.
3. So he, Hal, and Birch formulated a plan.
4. Everyone started calling for me, blah blah blah.
5. Birch was showing off his muscles to me.

Hal kept saying it was obvious I wanted to look, and that it was fine because Birch was sexy. Lol.

That is the end of my tale of woe! (not really, but y'know)