Butter is my nickname so yeah.

Anyway here is my main character Tailor the fox. She is my first character I ever invented and I believe she is 4 years old now. *happy tears* She getting so old. Oh, please note that I draw my sonic fan characters in humanoid form and not sonic style.
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Here is a brief description: Alas! Well here is my dearest Tay 8D she is my oldest character for anything and was originally a a sonic fan character.(arctic fox) Now if you see she is just human with ears and a tail, but shes still the same. <3 her hair is dyed black on the ends but was originally pink like the rest of her hair. The black part on her ears were originally white. (according to the story.....in my head)
This is her newest update. Shes gone through... 5 I think but the I was not even registered on the computer for the first 3.

Full of the sad power of shadow and darkness (her ability. She also has a couple ghost followers) turned her heart cold after being beaten at school ever since she was a kid. Also she lived in a cardboard box hidden by leaves in a tree until she moved in with her only friends family after "the incident." apperently she has been reincarnated for many hundreds of years because of a terrible deed that was done by her original self (on a very powerful person no less) so now she is doomed until one of her "selves" can let go of the pain and suffering that they are destined to have happen to them. Tailor lives in a B&B with the rest of her team that was given to her by her adoptive family. (who owns a airplane company and is pretty rich) Her team consists of 12 people who are some of the strongest in their power type, she created the team to fight strange monsters and abnormal super-natural happenings.

Id add more but.... no more spoiling >.<