Alice in Wonderland for Nintendo Wii Review


The game follows the story of the movie mostly, some things are changed though. You, as some of the Underland inhabitants have to guide Alice through Wonderland in order to get her ready to face the Jabberwocky; as she is the only one that can defeat it.


This game uses both the Wii remote and the nunchuck. You control the characters with the nunchuck and use the remote to highlight things in order to use special skills on certain objects or enemies.
Its actually quite easy gameplay, though there can be frustrating moments especially in boss battles where you sometimes have to do different skills in order and in time to win. Combat can get a bit repetitive, but you can gain new skills for your characters at least.
The skills differ for each of the five playable characters, but I'll go into that later. You mainly use them to solve puzzles, create pathways or find hidden areas. The characters move smoothly, but the camera can sometimes be annoying, but that's usually the case in every game.
However the only way you can get a game-over is if you don't rescue Alice from the Card Guards portals.


For a Wii game the graphics are very good, I didn't come across any major glitches either. Some of the scenery is nice and it looks very much like the movie. I really like a part where the screen turns completely upside down even if there's some platforming involved.
The Characters sprites are fine too, they look like the characters from the movie, so there's no complaints there.


The music was okay, atmospheric most of the time, which worked for the game. It wasn't anything amazing, but still nice.
The voices were very good, quite a few of the characters were voiced by their actors in the movie anyway.

Playable Characters

The White Rabbit
He has the ability to control time, he can fastforward, rewind and pause time. His skill can be used on certain objects and creatures. He also fights with his pocket watch.

The Dormouse
Probably the best fighter, but unfortantly she doesn't have any special skills to use elsewhere. She fights with a pin.

The March Hare
He can use Telekinesis, his skill can do a lot actually. Open pathways, move platforms and fling enemies. He can be melee or long range with his teapot throwing skills.

The Mad Hatter
He can use speical platforms to change the perspective of the scenery around him to create new paths or objects. He uses a sword in battle.

The Cheshire Cat
He can turn himself and other objects invisible or visible, again used for making pathways or finding hidden doors. He uses his claws to battle.


Unfortantly the game is a little too short, they could of added more levels. However it is a fun little game, and if you're a fan of the movie I think you'll really like it. Its not that diffcult either, which I consider to be a good thing because I don't like frustrating games. Anyway this game can also be a lot of fun if you use the 2-player function. And there's achievements and bonuses to unlock.

Overall if you want an easy-going Wonderland game, I suggest you try it.

BTW I haven't completed the DS game yet so I'll review that when I have.