
This planet is the size of Jupiter. It has two continents on each side of the of the planet. The continents are so far apart that they have no contact. Beonious and Thetomi are the names of the continents.


This continent is highly technology advanced. The whole thing is one large city. The Anthro living here live in a futuristic way, more advanced that earth today. To us their sociaty looks like a science fiction movie with hover vehicals and lazer guns. They live in a war constantly. Though they are so advanced they do not bother with the other continent because they think they cannot live there because it seems unhiabitable. Its not.


This side far away from the other continent is covered in vegitation, mountians, rivers, lakes, plains, ect. simular to north and south america before they where taken over by europeans. To the Beoneans, this place seems unhinabitable. But unknow to them there live several clans who feed off the land. They use primitave weapons like bows and swords. Some live in more castle like places and others live in small villages like native americans did. They hunt and farm off the land in order to survive. Some travel from clan to clan searching for just what they need to survive that day then move on.