You think you know me
You think you can see
You think i can't lie
You think I don't sigh

I know who i am
NO it's not that stupid lamb
I can lie so well you don't even see it
Everyday i just want something to hit

I am not the girl you see
That isn't me
That's just one giant mask
A quite dificult task

I'm not one for hard work
behind the corner fear will lurk
and that changes everything
I different tune i do sing

Fitting this facade to me everyday, you see,
is much harder than it seems to be
I will smile to stop the questions that you ask
The smile is fake. Nothing but a mask.

You say you know me
Take off this mask and tell me what you see
You don't see the girl you thought you knew
No instead you see the real me. Why don't you sue?

It's not like I care
Accuse me of what I dare
You should've seen me
You should've seen past that stupid mask everyone sees

Oh am i being unfair
Thinking you acctually care
Don't lie to me
How can you love someone you don't see

How can you love someone you don't know
You loved that mask. My foe
She never existed in real life
Maybe i should change my name, cut out the last ounce of that mask with knife

What? YOu say you want her not me
That's to bad because she isn't real you see?
Get over it She doesn't live here
She doesn't live anywhere. For god's sake can't you understand the fear!