What the hell happened?! Friendship- the deep bond between people similar to a blood relation but invoked by choice. That’s my definition of friendship. But I look around me and all I see is people creating social networks consisting of 100 maybe 200 people! Has the value of our friendship really gotten that low? That we give out friendship like it’s toilet paper?! Has the value of our trust and loyalty really been degraded to this point?

Oh, but I have lots of friends! I know all their names and stay in contact with each one! So? A person isn’t defined by their name. Hell I can’t remember the names of half the people I know! But the ones I value I know the names off. And will probably never forget them for the rest of my life. They are few and far between. But if my best friend from 1st grade called me right now, even if I haven’t spoken to her in 11 years, and asked me to help her out. I would!

We all feel alone in this world. Well no freaking wonder! Friend is a powerful word. It speaks for itself. It says I trust this person with my life. It says I know all the funny little tweaks this person holds and love every one of them. It says I won’t hold back when I have something to say to you. It says I’d fight for this person. And it says I’ll stand by this person no matter the consequences.

I’ve actually witnessed someone being mocked for having no friends or few. WHAT THE ****!? Just because they understand the value of the title doesn’t mean they are any less important then you. The world will still kick the crap out of you just as much as them. The difference is they have someone that would be willing to stand in the way to take the beating for them.

What are your views on friendship?
Do you believe that it's something that should be freely given or should it be earned?
What is your definition of a friend?