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Flyff, a world of freedom, fun, and adventure. I am a current member of the MMORPG and have been for a few years now. I'd love to know if any other Nekoes in the Guild also play Flyff or are really interested in joining. It's simple and easy to download. And what's even better...IT'S FREE!!! Official Flyff Site

My account information:

Active Servers: Demian and Mia

Mia characters: LordRyuHaru, WilliamTell, WilliamTheWyse

Demian characters: Xadrian, Vincent, ((and another I can't remember right now XD ))

I'm more than willing on meeting with anyone and helping them start their character out. No I will not discriminate you on being a beginner.
So feel free to post any replies you have on here or PM me personally~ ^^

~Flyff Pics~

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~My Magician, WilliamTheWyse, with his two tigers ^^
And yes those are balloons XD
They're an item from an event~