Hi everyone. I've been lacking in some good One on One RPGs lately, seems not many people are interested, and I find it hard to get into a good group RPG.

I love to RP fantasy (I tend to shy away from the vampire/werewolf thing, but will do it if the story sounds good, not all mushy and stuff like that). I'm a big fan of fantasy, action, adventure. You name it. I prefer a few paragraphs in length, but if inspiration runs dry, at least a paragraph will do (I do not enjoy one-sentence posts).

I love detail in story. Not so much that it's almost overwhelming (Like describing every single piece of clothing on a character or other such nonsense) But it's nice in fight scenes and nice tender moments that require detail.

I will not cyber, some fluff is good, heck, I love fluff more than the next person, but there's a point where it goes too far, and I will have my character stop it before that point comes.

I would prefer that the other person plays a male, but it's not necessary. I had a few good buddy RPs with female characters in the past, and that worked out great!

Please PM me if you're interested ^^ I would love to RP with you.