Congratulations on everyone who were made room hosts!

I think a thread is in order to organize and plan ideas of our rooms, such as the features, what we dress up as, and so on so forth.

First, get to know your co-hosts, obviously. Teamwork is imperative to success.

Second, how do we fit the plot into each one of our individual rooms? Bounce ideas off of each other.

Third, what we all could do to make are rooms pretty and the best they can be. For example, set up links to music on like yahoo or aim that relates to your room theme under a dj post.

Lets use this thread to help each other build our rooms and NPC into what it needs to be! Lets make this the best Gaia Annual Ball ever! Lets go get waffles!

*munch munch*

Ok, I'm good now. Well, start posting y'all!