I made this for extra credit in my English class(I was already an "A" student) and some people who read it liked it. Now I bring it for you!

Selena stood atop a small building, looking down upon the streets of Nexus. To Selena, it was amazing how the most corrupted city in this world could have some places where the drugs, sex, and sin didn’t reach. But Selena wasn’t here for the view. She was here for a single reason: Assassination.
Nexus was a great city built on a great mountain. Because of this architectural decision, Nexus had been separated into “rows”. Every row was its own neighborhood. Most of the rows had one of five districts running the show. Also, the rows effectively created their own class system: The higher up you were, the better off you were.
Selena had a specific target in mind: The son of a council member. The council ran Nexus, and did a horrid job of it. But the son of one of the council members, a man known as Galen Veks, was trying to clean the city up. The Assassin Guild wanted him dead. And Selena answered the call.
Galen was no ordinary noble son, by the way. Galen was an Exalted. A Solar Exalted, at that. The Exalted were the chosen children of the gods, and the Solars were the greatest of them. Galen had assembled a team of many Exalted, and little by little, the five districts that held Nexus in their grasp were having their leaders exterminated.
The drug trade went down first. During a meeting of the drug lords at Dewey Plaza, a team of four of Galen’s Exalted eliminated so many drug lords. While drugs flowed into Nexus still, the leaders of the business were gone. Then the slave trade went down. Those same four Exalted had battled the three leaders of the slave trade, killing them with ease.
Then Galen took on the Assassin’s Guild. This was the longest of all of the Exalted’s battles. At first, Galen and three other Exalted were kidnapped by assassin’s looking to off Galen-being a council member’s son puts a giant target on your head. It was said that only one Exalted, a warrior named Angelo, was even needed. This was untrue, as the gossipers preferred to speak of the frontline fighters. Mages and ranged warriors are passed over. After the battle, a new team assembled to search for the head of the Assassin’s Guild. The team soon found Gregor, the head of the Assassin’s Guild. Gregor and his female lieutenant tried to escape, but an Exalted named Dagon appeared and assisted Angelo in preventing Gregor’s escape.
After the guild, Galen and his fellow Exalted decided to battle the weapons trading district. This is why Selena was waiting atop the rooftops. Gregor’s lieutenant had been in contact with Selena, and had asked Selena to kill Galen, and take as many of the Exalted down with him. Since Galen was attempting to overthrow the weapons district, one would assume Galen would be in this area for a single reason: One of the major franchises in this district was having a promotional display of a new line of weapons. This franchise dealt primarily with martial arts type weapons-staves and fist weapons, primarily.
Selena noticed a group of armored warriors in the corner of the square. Groups of people had assembled all over the square, but Selena noticed this group was far more organized then the civilians. Then it hit her: This group was made of soldiers for the Realm, the empire that controlled much of this world. Their commander carried herself in a confident, nearly cocky manner. Selena chuckled to herself. Confidence in Nexus was always punished by one of the districts, all of which were still operational. Turning her gaze away from the Realm soldiers, Selena took a quick count of people performing the promotional display: four people on the stage, and four guards. Where were Galen and the other Exalted?
Selena’s question was quickly answered: A seven-foot-tall, armed and armored warrior appeared behind the Realm soldiers. He tried to give symbol to another man standing far away-a symbol that Selena recognized as the universal sign for “Should I kill these people?” Selena knew that Solar Exalted hated the Realm, because the Realm hunted the Solar Exalted like wild animals. Selena knew immediately: This warrior was one of Galen’s Exalted. Selena leaped off the building, rolling when she hit the ground.
After a quick look around when she hit the ground, Selena noticed two warriors attacking the Realm soldiers. She decided to sneak around to the stage, putting her within striking range of the two warriors without them noticing. As she moved towards the stage, she noticed the Realm commander bursting into flame. She knew what the commander was: A Dragon-Blooded, a different type of Exalted. The Realm loved using Dragon-Bloodeds, for they had a deep-seated hatred of Solar Exalted. But it seemed as if the seven foot warrior had other plans: A few attacks later, and the flaming commander was chopped in half by the warrior’s massive sword. Selena decided to attack Angelo instead. Could any blame her?
But Selena soon learned why attacking Angelo was a worse idea. Angelo’s weapon, a normal short sword at first, had transformed into a copy of his fellow warrior’s blade. Selena knew what sword Angelo held: The Origin Blade.
Long ago, Selena once fought against a man whose sword could transform into a copy of any weapon he wanted. That man had called himself “The Undying”. So, was Angelo The Undying? Whatever Angelo was, it was a bad idea to fight him. Selena simply joined the crowd of fleeing, panicking civilians. Once she was well away from Angelo and the other Exalted, she began her search for her employer. She had some explaining to do…