Whether you are already veg*an, aspiring towards it, or are trying to persuade someone else, 'Eating Animals' is a must read. The topics revolve around animals and their treatment, though every major issue it broached on at least some level.

The author approaches animal agriculture with an unbiased goal, to learn about it, so he can most confidently decide whether or not to feed meat to his son. Through the research, Foer learns more than he ever imagined from people he wasn't expecting, and was gracious enough to let them speak for themselves, literally, in various sections of the book.

He brings issues (like fishing, and egg layers) into a new light, and gives us a refreshing perspective on the animal rights/welfare debate as it is waged by small farmers struggling against the tide of factory farming. While there is so much more that can be discussed regarding veganism, animal rights, and all of their interconnected issues, 'Eating Animals' is a great starter book, especially for someone who isn't quite vegetarian... yet.

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