Username: Master_Rhino_90
Name: Razina Toranio
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Weight: 195 (less 10% fat)
Height: 7'
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color His right is a light teal his lefted and damaged left eye is souless grey
Personality: Razina has a heart of gold. He gives the short of his back for someone who need it. It does not mean he will be walked on. He defence his believes and protect the weak and the ones dear to him. He never gives up. No mater what
Appearance(s): Taa Daa
Weapons: Longbow and Arrows and his martial arts which are JailHouse Boxing , Kempo, Brazian Jujistu, and Caperita
Powers: Lighting Arrows (He charges energy into his arrow and fire arrow if a lighting speed. He can make it change couse.) Lighting Teleport ( he can teteport in a flash of light) Electicity charge. (he charges his body with electicity make physical contact impossible)
Their Life: Razina Toranio was born on a Marine base in Kenya. He was the young son of two brother and one sister. His brothers and sister all had talented. His oldest brother is a giving lawyer. His other brother is in collage as a star running back. His sister was giving artist. Razina was always in their shadows. When he was five he start martial arts which he not that great it. Where ever his family got station Razina would find a martial arts studio and begin learning.
When he became 13 he got his first black belt in Kempo. He was station in a Dallas, Texas. His parent retired for the military that year. Razina made several friend most were in the wrong crowd. He got caught in a couple of gang fight which he won. When he found out told them he was out. When he was training and the Kempo studio his old friend set the build on fire. Razina saw the fire and guide the kids out of the fire. Then a buried piece of wood hit Razina on the side of his face and knocked him out., His master pulled him out of the studio and call the hosiptal. Razina was in a coma. In the coma he felt different like something was unlocked. When he woke up 8 monthes later. Razina noticed his could not see out of his left eye. Turns out his left eye area got burried for the fire cuase him to become blind in his left eye.
After leaving the hostipal he start to train more and dicover his had electicity abilty. He trained his body and his mind to control it. He gradute high in the top 10 in his school and was accepted into any school he wanted and went into business school and lives in his own place.
Other: He is kind
Parents: Jenny and Markus Toranio
Theme song: Bust a Move
Crush: Secert