User name:Theife
Name:Koudo Musha
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: Earth Demon
Weight: 145 lbs
Height: 5'7
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Jade Green
Personality: Subtle, hard to read but deeply emotional
Appearance(s):User Image
Weapons:Throwing Knives, Short Sword, Quarter Staff
Powers:Earth Meld, Earth Lotus, Avalanche
Their Life: Born in Makai to Shiami and Kuro Musha Koudo was born and bred to be a fighter Trained in the Art by His Brother Kuze. Kuze Taught Him how to throw knives fight with a short blade and a staff he also taught Koudo how to Harness his abilities teaching him to meld with the earth and use it's power as a weapon. As he grew older Kuze brought Koudo to the Human World and taught him how to drive a motorcycle. The Musha family was part of a small tribe of Earth Demons who believed in Peace in all aspects of life much like the Samurai of The Human World and Despite there attempts with there neighboring tribes they were Attacked. Koudo Fought with honor and killed many but despite his efforts his mother and father were killed along with most of the tribe. His brother Kuze Blamed him for there deaths and Abandoned Koudo. He now walks among the Human World attempting to regain some of his lost honor and find his brother
Other: Scar on Left arm from Attack on his home.
Parents:Shiami and Kuro Musha
Theme song:For Whom the Bell Tolls