Hello! Let me start by saying how happy I am to be accepted into the ranks.

Let me start by telling you a little about myself:
- My name is Andrew L. Fessler; Feel free to call me Andrew, Fessler, MusicMakesSense, or whatever else strikes your fancy.
- I'm currently only fifteen. I've never found my age to be a limiting factor around other people (especially online) and I hope for it to remain that way.
- I live in a small town called Apex in North Carolina (Part of the U.S.A. for our foreign friends.) I hope to end up in California, someday.
- Music is vitally important to me and my writing. I'll oftentimes get an entire idea for a scene in my mind from a simple song. I enjoy both rock and classical music.
- I only really began writing when I was fourteen; I like to think I've made leaps and bounds since then, having become a published writer.
- I plan to use Gaia as a way to create visual representations of my characters, a play fore roleplaying (which is why writing comes so naturally to me; I've been roleplaying for many years), a place to show off my own work, and a place to read and critique other people's works.
- My interests lie in the area of Psychology; Both individual and mass. My writing oftentimes reflects it.
- My various IM addresses are available upon personal request.

That's all for now, though I'm sure I'll add more eventually.

In posts below, you'll find examples of my work along with background notes on each piece. I, of course, welcome all comments and critiques. Simply list the piece name your talking about and feel free to shoot me a comment; Either here, on the messenger, or as an inbox message.

Happy reading!