Age: 19
Height: 5'4"
Starting Weight: 135.0lbs
Short-term Goal: 125.0lbs
Long-term Goal: 110.0-115.0lbs

Waist: 29"
Bust: 28" (I guess this helps to explain the goals; my bone structure is tiny)
Hips: 35"
Larger Thigh: 24"

Well, hello. ♥ I'm Bix (or Starri if you prefer; I've had this account for an awfully long time), and I'm here to lose weight in a healthy way. Since I was about thirteen I've been in a constant battle with my weight, and I've been particularly good at letting it eat whatever it wants for the past couple of years, haha. It tends to be sweet things. sweatdrop When I'm not exercising or any other weight-related activity, I'm a full-time Computer Science student at the University of Leicester. I get a lot of weird looks when I tell people that.

I'm not too good at keeping food and calorie diaries; I always find that I give up on them within the first couple of weeks, so this is likely to be something more wordy.

My motivation for losing weight is more or less just improving how my body looks. I look in the mirror and go 'erk' a lot more than I'm willing to admit; I miss my flat stomach and my thighs not being ginormous. I want to be able to wear shorter skirts and feel okay with that. And well, then there's the (large, rather creepy) crush on someone that probably wouldn't even consider me at this size (not to mention that she's teensy herself). orz I would also like to be able to attend Amecon in August 2010 as Mello from Death Note. That's... a lot of skin-tight fake leather. |D;;;