Chapter One

It was a strange world, she thought. How did she get here? In this world, it felt like time never existed--as though some other forces brought things along, for they never happened at a steady rate. One moment, she was defying the scariest man alive, the next she was sitting in his arms, intertwining her fingers with his. It was like an electric tingling to intertwine her hands with his, and oddly enough, she liked it. The ruby ring twinkled on the finger of her left hand, reminding her that she was not of this world. And to make things even stranger, she felt like she wanted to stay.

Yet in the midst of this happiness, she felt as though something was forgotten. As if there was someone else waiting for her somewhere. The somewhere where she had came from before all of this. And that someone wasn't the one who was holding her at the moment. He was someone else, perhaps. She knew that perhaps, this happiness will not go on for long. That the person who gave her this temporary happiness, this temporary security will soon be a distant memory once she returns to her world. His eyes gazed upon her questioningly, silently asking why her face looked so distant. And she answered with no clear answer, avoiding the subject at hand.

During what felt like their last time together, her eyes searched the crowd, searching for a certain presence that was found too soon for her liking. Her sister's shrinking back sent her running, absentmindedly ripping her own hand from his, leaving a familiar warmth that she had gotten used to during her time in this world. He cried out her name, shuffling to follow her. She shifted back and forth in the crowd, fighting to come back to him while keeping her gaze on her sister. Finally, when she had retrieved the desired attention from her sibling, she found herself trapped within a familiar embrace, hearing the breaking voice of the man--a wish to be shattered left his lips.

She resisted, trying to fight herself from his grip. When it was almost her victory, she felt her legs unable to move, watching her sister's searching expression, looking around to find the source of her voice. He still had her hand, gripping onto her left wrist with a sad expression, his eyes wishing for her to be by his side. She closed her eyes tightly, ripping herself from his grip, saying goodbye for the last time. When she had finally opened her eyes, she found herself closer to her sister's position. Turning around, she found him, his eyes gazing sadly upon her as he stood still, as if in the midst of the realization of his loss.

Forget him. She told herself. The feel of his hand on hers was still tingling on her wrist. When she looked down, the ruby ring that adorned her finger had disappeared, leaving a pale circular bind around her tan finger. It was too late to turn back, she knew as she continued to walk towards her sister. Calling out her sister's name, she had gotten the girl to turn around. She smiled, suddenly feeling the ache inside of her heart. Before she knew it, it felt as though something was tugging at her heart, ripping it from its rightful place. The next thing she knew, she was right back in her living room, gazing upon the empty surroundings that appeared as though she had never left it for even a second.

She had returned to her own world.

She looked back on her left hand to find that the ruby ring had indeed disappeared, but the tingling feeling of his hand was still there. The distant memory worked itself to her mind, replaying the events that happened in the world with no time in her head. Will she come back?


smile I actually have completed this story, but I want to just put up one chapter to see who's interested first. Tell me what you think!