im working on the 3 cliffs,the don will be hard...
i only added ahesion trap hole because it halved there attack...
and with the mirror wall i understand it now.. but i think i could still keep at least one fairy box just for the sake of needing it to help fend off attackers at the cost of 500. and a sure thing to destroy the attacking monster and get a D.S effect off... idk..
its not realy to hard to run as much as it is trying to figure out what D.S to search out and wich ability to activate..
jason sugested i ran plague and krebons if i didnt have plague.. i was using rose warrior but took it out over some friendly advice i got saturday.. Don you just run however many you have. Fairy Box works, but I personally prefer a sure halving of ATK Vs. a possible zero.
As for effects,
Don Zaloog- Use the 1st effect until their hand is gone, then switch.
Meanae the Thorn-Use until all Gorgs and Cliffs are out of the deck, then recover them from the grave.
Gorg the Strong- Use the first if they have a big monster, 1900 ATK or up, and the second when tandem attacking with Don Z or Cliff.
Chick the Yellow- Always the first effect.
Cliff the Trap Remover- Use the second, as any spell or trap worth killing will kill him. Although use the first for removal of continuous ones.
I like Plague as he equals a double syncho. Krebons is good, but you need Teleport. For a budget tuner use diva.