Down the stone street, you could hear his footsteps. He was running, but not to me. No, he was running away from me. Love it is such a foolish thing, to love someone so much but to have them not return that feeling. It is forever heart breaking.

“I’ll wait here for your answer.”

That is what I had said after I confessed my love to him. Now on this park bench I sit every day waiting for him to come and say that he loves me too. I am not naïve but perhaps I am foolish. From morning to evening I wait and he never comes, yet I still wait. I hear foot steps, they sound like his. I feel a hand on my shoulder, strong yet gentle like his hand. My heart starts to beat faster.

“He isn’t coming, stop waiting.”

I stand and turn to look, who said this. There was no one there, the park was empty. My heart sinks, no one was there. How I would love to stop waiting but I can’t. I gave my heart to him and until he returns it or completely shatters it. I can’t leave, not yet.