Okay copy the following format and make your own topic and fill out the profile. Have the topic be: (Your name)'s Profile. When I come by and check it I will either tell you to change something or be more descriptive. If it's good I'll add a "~" to it. If you add it yourself I will know and I will ban you simple as that. And if you don't like the format make up your own.

[b]Ninja Name:[/b]
[b]Rank:[/b] {Everyone starts off as a Academy Student unless I say other wise. If you have a question PM me.}
[b]Village From:[/b] {Can't be made up}
[b]Specialty in:[/b] {Gen, Nin, Tai}
[b]Bloodline:[/b] {if you don't have one don't put one}
[b]Other:[/b] {Don't tell me about your weapons tell me anything special about you.}
[b]Bio:[/b] {Be descriptive}
[b]What you hope to achieve[/b]: {Be descriptive}
[b]Strengths:[/b] {Be descriptive}
[b]Weaknesses:[/b] {Be descriptive}
[b]Theme Song:[/b] {If possible, include either an MP3 link or youtube link}
[b]Appearance:[/b] {Anime preferred, if you cannot find an anime pic that suits your character, describe them well so others can visualize them, please include height}

**Edit: Within your Bio or character saga, do not state that your parents or grandparents are any of the main characters from the Naruto series. If you want to have a bloodlone trait from a certain clan, simply make up a person within that clan and make them your parent. Too many people claim to be the child of the same characters, making this confusing for everyone else. Just be creative and original.

Edited by LS95