Here's my About me:

• I'm Selena. I'm Currently 13 Years of Age, and proud. I'm atheist, thereforth, i do NOT believe in any religious thing. I hate hypocrites, so please, if your going to tell someone what not to do, don't do it either. Middle shool is harsh here in Florida, so I might not be on as much anymore, so please don't ban me. If you notice, my picture is in my signature, so stop asking. I'm single, but i want a real life relationship, so don't come to me if your like 17 and all, "LETS GO OUT ONLINE AND MEET UP!" I don't care for typos, but I do care for grammar and punctuation issues. Someone mistook me for a 20-year-old typer, until they saw my picture. I like cows. Cows are amazing. I try to act silly, but I can't hide the fact that I'm pretty mature online for my age, otherwise, if you see me in real life, I'm all over the place running and yelling, screaming p***s. I do like to use a lot of emotions like;

:3 (: ;D o:! ><; o.o' Oo''' etc.;

So please, if you want to chat ,

• MSN : ← always on it. ;]
• AIM: selenuhhxd ← never on it.

Interests: Cows, Manga, Anime, Gaiaonline, Myspace, FlyFF (quit), MMORPG, zOMG, cats, Mustaches, Oh and Did I Mention Cows?

Dislikes: Spiders, Scene Kids, LABELS, Online-Dating[though, i think it's cute :3], not receiving s**t because i'm a greedy whore, Bugs, and Most Likely, Anime Roleplays, Sorry. <3