Hello! I am Kitten! biggrin

I have been role playing for... 5 years now. But, I haven't in a while. Sooo, I might be a little lame.

I'm at a semi-lit to literate level. I do most romance-y role plays, but I'm doing all of this for fun. So lets keep it at a PG-13 level?

I don't want a novel, but I don't want one liners. A paragraph is probably enough, but I understand intros being longer.

I role play mostly female, but I do male, too. either way is ok.

I'll prolly do...
(* means I haven't done it, but I would like to try.)


Suggest! Also, bring in some plot ideas. we'll build upon it.

Series: One Piece, Dragonball GT. That is, indeed, the only ones.
(One Piece, I always have a made up.)

And, only over PM. message me!