She left for a year. She hadn't had a choice. People needed her back home. She remember watching his face as she and her friends had left. He hadn't wanted her to leave. He wanted her to stay in that land, in that other world.....with him. Rika remembered how she had to smile sadly and explain once again why she couldn't. She was needed back home. She couldn't just leave her friends behind for a guy....even if it was the first man she ever loved. There was no way she could forget about her family.....even if she did love his world almost as much as she loved him.
He had gripped her hand so tightly in hopes of keeping her back, but the magic still pulled at her. She apologized for the hundreth time, promising she'd return. He in turn promised that he would be waiting for her. As the magic pulled her away, her class ring slipped off her finger and into his hand. The next moment, she was home.
Now, after a year in his time, she was finally back. She had rushed happily to greet him. The time she had spent in her world had only made her more sure of her love. Happiness bubbled up inside her as she neared the cave where his dragons were kept.
She stepped inside and called to him. He appeared shortly after. Shocked and disbelief crossed his features. She was standing before him and his eyes could barely believe it.
She joked around with him, wondering why he hadn't moved from the spot. Then it happened.
Another girl, dark, golden hair and eyes almost black, came from the shadows and her hand intertwined with his. Rika was confused when she said hello to this other girl, unsure of what else to do. The girl introduced herself as Medea...his fiancee.


Rika Asho
Age: 16
User Image
Information: Rika and her friends discovered an enchanting world called Cogitatio. they traveled around it trying to find a way home through the most dangerous area, the Infinite Mountains. Along the way they each met a man and fell in love. Rika fell for ________ a dragon tamer, Arianna(her best friend practically twin) fell for a water person named Ryan, and Diana fell for a light and dark mage Marcus.
They faced many life threatening perils but survived to make it home again. While only a few months passed for them, an entire year lapsed in Cogitatio. The girls were called back with two other friends to help Princess Allanah, a friend of Rika's who had fallen very sick. The first mission was to reunite the group that had traveled to the Infinite Mountains for they were the only ones who could survive such a terrible journey for a cure. _______ had been a last stop that Rika had purpousely waited to go get. She couldn't wait to see him.
When she found him, she discovered that despite his promises and words of love, he had found another and was engaged. Her heart broke.

The man Rika loves is a dragon tamer around 18/19 years old. Due to family pressures, he half-heartedly agreed to marrying Medea. He still loves Rika and when he sees her face after discovering Medea, he feels at a loss. The question is, how far will he go to prove his love for her? Will he follow her? What about his family obligations? What happens next is up to you, dear reader, as you come into the wonderous world of Cogitatio.


The people in the group include:
Rika - human from real world
Ari - human from real world
Diana - human from real world
Ryan - water person
Marcus - Mage (mix: light and dark)
Daiki - Neko
Dante - Half (half human, half healing mage)
the dragon tamer - The other RPer, Human from Cogitatio, dragon tamer
Ashurii - human from real world
Carmen - human from real world
(a few more come in later)

I will take the role of all the girls (rika, Ari, Diana, Ashurii, and Carmen. Rika is the main character). I have no problem taking on the other characters as well. If you wish, i can post brief personalities/traits and pictures if you so wish to help cover all the roles.

please send/post a brief profile including: name, age, and personality.
Thank you very much!