BEFORE BEGINNING: Keep in mind, I DO NOT normally write stories like these. I decided to do this as a backstory to my Farseer as well as this being the story I need to give to my Campaign's judge to decide how my army will progress in the next couple of games. Plus, I also am PRETTY sure I got some Eldar Fluff mixed up, like after a Eldar dies, I'm pretty sure their spirits transfers into their spirit stones or something. I am not sure, this is a WIP mainly, but a ROUGH version of the official backstory to my army and its men. Any comments are appreciated. Thank you. I hope you like the backstory to Alzar'ai, his father, Farseer Egar'ion

The Craftworld of Alaitoc. The Eldar that come from this craftworld are unlike other Eldar as they do not stick to their craftworld, but scatter among the stars and occationally return. The path of the "ranger" is considered the highest honor within Alaitoc, as they are free to go and travel worlds, as well as given council with the ever elusive Harlequins that seem to ally with Alaitoc rather then the Biel-Tan or Ulthwe worlds.

Farseer Egar'ion was a farseer of Alaitoc, and considered one of the greatest. Some even believed that his powers of the warp were equal to levels of Eldrad Ulthran Of Ulthwe', but Egarion knew that this was over exageration. Only those farseer that resided on the Ulthwe' craftworlds could even hope to achieve that level of psyker power. Farseer Egar'ion in his training as a farseer had traveled to Ulthwe' when he was young (As those of Alaitoc do when undergoing training of their craft) and saw just how strong the Eldar of Ulthw'e really were. They were TRULY superior psykers in all aspects. Egar'ion had a son as well, Azar'ai who was proving to be a very talented Eldar in the ways of seeing into the warp and visionary skills. Alzar'ai like him had been born with his father's ability of predictions, and thus also traveled to Ulthwe' to learn how to become a truly great farseer for Alaitoc. On the eve of a year before Alzar'ai would return from Ulthwe' after completing his training, Egar'ion woke from a deep meditation from the warp. He went to the Alaitoc council to tell them of his vision.
In his vision, he saw the green ones scattering across an unknown Eldar craftworld. Even though the craftworld was unknown, there was nothing in the vision to show that this craftworld was NOT Alaitoc. The vision Egar'ion had was not entirely clear, but in order to avoid the green ones from coming close to this world, Egar'ion saw that the Eldar would have to observe their movements from a distance and judge when to strike and turn the growing Ork army back from whence it came.
The council had glimpsed of the same vision, but no where near the clarity and description that Egar'ion's had. So it was decided by the council that Egar'ion would be put in command of a small army of Eldar to go and observe the green ones. Perhaps with them observing, Egar'ion's visions would become clearer....
The day of decent had come, and Egar'ion and his men stalked their enemy silently without rising a tiny bit of suspicion among the simple-minded Orks. On the forth night of observation, Egar'ion's vision returned to him once more as he reached into the warp, but the vision this time showed pieces of the future. It showed that a group of humans (Space marines) were also upon the same planet as them and with grater number then the Eldar. The Eldar at this point could not hope to take out the Orks, but if the humans of the small Ultramarines unit were riled and returned to their base for reinforcements, the Eldar would be able to use that time to escape from the planet and have the humans instead come face to face with the Orks, and thus, wipe them out preventing them from stepping unto the craftworld that Egar'ion's vision had shown him.
That night, the set up upon the path the Ultramarines would travel so they would come face to face with them. When they landed, Egar'ion and his men struck fast and without mercy. There was none for the race that now seemed to hold primary rule over the galaxy the Eldar once commanded long ago. They countered each unit precisely. Egar'ion did not match his blade once in the battle, but only used his abilities of the warp to guide the shurikens of the troops of Dire Avengers he traveled with to strike their enemy directly. As the dust settled over the battle, Egar'ion congratulated his men on a job well done and assured them that cause of their deeds, a Eldar craftworld would go unharmed by the green ones.


The cry from behind caused Egar'ion to turn in surprise as a Chaplain stood behind them having just removed the heads of two men of the Striking Scorpion warrior path. He swung his mace crafted of a golden angel to remove the blood that had stained it from the Eldar's heads crushed under its brilliant light and weight. Egar'ion drew his two witchblades to take for the last human who would dare to strike them from behind, but more so the nerve to survive.

"You dear attack me and my brothers! You slew each and everyone of them! I swear to the Emporer himself, I will never forget your faces Eldar! Me and my brothers will come for you, and see to it you suffer for your defiance!"

Egar'ion dove for the commander to strike him down, but the Chaplain ran in retreat before he could attack. Egar'ion did not foresee a survivor from his visions. Now, the humans knew that it was Eldar that had attacked them, not the green ones. The battle was successful, but the purpose was not fulfilled. The Eldar had lost.

A month passed after the destruction of the Ultramarines and after Egar'ion had appeared before the council to report of their mission. Egar'ion had trouble focusing in his meditations through the warp and his visions. How could he have over looked such a outcome as a survivor throwing the entire plan into chaos? It was unsettling for him. It was after the month that Egar'ion had another vision from the warp. It had to do with the green ones once more, and this time, stopping them from entering this mysterious craftworld that plagued his dreams and something else as well. In his vision, Egar'ion saw a unsettled and inhabited Maiden world from the Eldar planets before "The Fall". Egar'ion ran to the council of Alaitoc and told them of his vision, but did not mention the fact that their assault on the humans had not prevented the green ones from entering the craftworld in his visions.
The council of Alaitoc sent Egar'ion out instantly with the army from the human assault to land on this maiden world and take it for the Eldar. Upon arriving, Egar'ion's men picked up signatures of another species on the planet in a large platoon. There was only one option if they hoped to claim the maiden world. Egar'ion moved with his men, the time for battle was upon them.
Egar'ion and his men charged straight to the Tau forces without a moment's thought. The warp seemed to whisper to Egar'ion that if they could find the commander and remove him, then the battle would go in their favor. Egar'ion traveled with the Dire squad once more to aid them to the best of his abilities.
The Krut of the Tau leapt upon them instantly. The alien mercenaries who begged for the Eldar intelligence swung their scythed blasters this way and that, but Egar'ion and his men were faster and swifter. They jumped, dodged and cut down the Krut soldiers that dared to stand in their way. A Dire approached Egar'ion with words of thanks. "We did well Farseer. Those Tau will think twice before stepping before your might again."
"Dire, please. It's not I alone that took these Krut down. You and your men are what keep Alaitoc alive today. Without you, I fear we'd be long gone to the menace that plague this galaxy of ours. Take credit upon yourselves. I am not all that the people of Alaitoc claim me to be."
"But Farseer, they say you are as great and powerful as Edrard of Ulth-"
"Stop!...I am sorry brother, but to even mention my name next to Eldrad's...It doesn't feel right. I've BEEN to Ulthwe'. Their warlocks alone are more powerful then I. We Eldar hold too much respect for Eldrad for all that he has done for his people. So please, don't compare me to him. I am not worthy of it."
"I apologize brother. I meant no ill will to you."
Egar'ion smiled at him. "It's fine. I just wish those of our craftworld didn't spread such rumors about me. They may mean respect to me, but I don't deserve it of such high level."
"Brother..." The Dire place his palm on his shoulder boneplate. "You are the best Farseer of our world, and we have high hopes for your son Alzar'ai. When he returns from Ulthwe', I am sure that he will be one one of the greatest farseers our people have ever seen. And right next to the great and powerful Farseer, his father, Ega-"
But he never finished. Blood splattered against Egar'ions ghosthelm as the Dire fell to the ground, his head vaporized from his body. From the angle the shot was fired, Egar'ion could see The Tau Crisis suit Commander standing in the distance, his plasma rifle arm cannon smoking with recent fire. "Dires! Take up your arms! The Tau stand, and their general stands before us! Take him down and we'll see our craftworld once again!"
As the Dire Avengers took up their shuriken catapults, Egar'ion looked upon the body of the fallen Dire he'd spent his last moments speaking with. "...Brother...I promise you I will personally put an end to that Tau's life force!" The Dire's charged to take the Tau's commander, but the Tau suit kept accelerating behind the planet's ruins and avoiding the Eldar's best efforts to strike him down. Egar'ion was frustrated. Was there nothing to be done?! From the corner of his eye, a flash of light struck Egar'ion's eyes. Up high in the ruins, a crystal of some sort was being flashed. The Rangers of Alaitoc! They were perfectly positioned to fire upon the Tau's commander. As the Dire avengers fired upon the ruins where the Tau's commander hide, Egar'ion focused his mind to reach out to the Rangers up in the ruins. Connected to their minds, Egar'ion could see as they saw, and feel as they felt. Through their scopes, they could see the Tau commander and had a clear shot on him. With Egar'ion in their minds, the rangers of Alaitoc pulled their triggers. The Tau commander was struck by the ranger's rifles and fell through the ruins exposing himself before Egar'ion on his men. Egar'ion drew his witchblades and charged for the commander and leaping in the air as the Tau tried to fire on the charging Eldar. In one slash, Egar'ion's blades cut right through the Crisis suit's thick armor, absorbing it's pilot's life force as it went through effortlessly. The suit split in half and fell to the earth behind Egar'ion as he stood. The Eldar had won and claimed the Maiden world as their own.
The report was given back to Alaitoc and the craftworld would be by the planet within a weeks time to begin settling some Eldar upon it's surface. It was a great time for the Alaitoc and a victory for Eldar all around. Egar'ion had shown Alaitoc just how great he was, and rumors of his discovery traveled fast among the Eldar craftworlds, reaching all the way to Ulthwe' where Alzar'ai smiled at his father's accomplishment.

PART 2: Space of Grey: Egar'ion's fall"