Please be patient when you send in an application; Ringoringa is only human and can't always reply immediately. She may be in bed or doing schoolwork. Oh, and sorry for the long introduction. XD

Oh, and guys, we need some natives before we can start!

The Blackbird was the Titanic of airplanes.

You and many others have recently boarded this vessel to cross the sea and take a vacation to a far-off country. You and hundreds of strangers all settled into the airplane's cozy seats, enjoyed yourselves at the second-floor cafe, and made full use of the giant flat-screen television, as well as the hundreds of smaller ones for personal use. That was its first flight, of course, but you weren't panicked. After all, it was of the most high-tech vehicles of the century. Who would be worried?

All of a sudden, the Blackbird began to shake. "We're experiencing some turbulence," the pilot explained from the speakers. "Please sit down and put on your seatbelts, there's absolutely nothing to worry about. Once again, please sit down and put on your seatbelts." Still not panicked, you sit down; as a frequent flyer you know that turbulence is common and nothing to fret about.

That was when the plane began to start jerking violently up and down. Screams could be heard as the others panicked. "Please sit down, there's nothing to worry about!" the pilot insisted. "Just-"

The Blackbird suddenly twisted around in the air, sending glass, food, and liquid flying everywhere. "We're going to die!" cried one of the passengers. With that, the front of the plane dipped to the ground, and you found yourself spinning towards the ground. The last thing you heard was a terrible crash and a chorus of blood-curdling screeches...

After a long period of blackness, you slowly open your eyes and look around you. The majority of people are dead, but you also notice that some are moving, having survived like you. A quick look around the area reveals that the plane is floating in the ocean water, not to far from what looks like a deserted island. Though you're safe (albeit in pain and likely injured) now, it may not last long. You and the others must find a way to get to the island before anything else, before the plane sinks... The island, though quiet and peaceful, still has a menacing aura to it.

What if it isn't deserted after all?

How you choose to react to this situation is up to you.

- - -

Alright, folks, here we have a roleplay about the survivors of a plane crash. Our "teams" are split into two: natives and survivors. You can have one or both, but not two on one side. If you want to be siblings or something of that nature with someone else, make arrangements through PM. (Learn more in the rules section.) The roleplay is over when the natives make peace with the survivors, or one side or the other is eliminated. I'm not sure how long this will last, so be prepared to make a small commitment, 'kay? It ruins the game if someone vanishes without a trace.


You just woke up after the Blackbird's crash, and have to get off the sinking plane and survive. Not knowing what kind of life lurks in the deep waters of whose bottom can't be seen, it could be a dangerous mission. Not to mention, all this must be done without getting killed by the natives. As typical, non-tribal folk who aren't used to maneuvering the wilderness, it will take all that you've got to make it.


You are some of the most in-tune-with-nature groups out there. Not to mention, you're also way behind "human rights" and "morals." Though YOUR tribe is close-knit and would trust each other with their lives, these strange new people and their strange new ways, clothes, and devices are both confusing and terrifying. You aren't entirely sure what to expect, and so you are eager to capture one of these creatures and do whatever it takes to figure out what's going on.

Stuff to Know

The languages the natives speak is unknown by anyone on the plane. Contact must be made in other ways. Make sure not to understand too quickly, or it kills the point. Learning a few words in the other's language is okay, but don't pull a Disney Pochahontus on me, okay? A good example is:
Bob: "Peace," Bob says, and holds out his hand in an attempt to get the stranger to understand.
Zaknutop: Zaknutop stares hard. "Peace," he repeats in the other's language, not knowing what the word means. He holds out his hand, trying to replicate the other's motion instead.
A BAD example is:
Bob: "Peace," Bob says, and holds out his hand in an attempt to get the stranger to understand.
Zaknutop: Zaknutop nods, and takes Bob's hand. "Peace," he repeats with a smile.


We had to get to these eventually, people.
1. No Godmoding of any form. However, because it gets really annoying when someone always has to wait until the other person affirms something when they're trying to help or something of that nature, we'll use a different system to make things go by a little faster than, "Bob reaches out to Sally, about to take her hand." "Sally looks up at Bob as he takes her hand." Instead, if there's an action that seems appropriate to take at a certain moment, like if you're injured and need to be carried to safety, mention it in your post somewhere that it's okay for someone to do something, or that you need help. "Sally took one look at her injuries and realized she needed someone to help her clean the wound." For things such as putting a hand on someone else's shoulder or punching someone, you still have to wait to make sure they don't want to reject the contact.
2. Don't get offended if someone else's character is rude or dislikes yours. It's annoying when your character's personality is rude and you have to constantly add, "OOC: I don't mean it personally, please don't take offense." However, if ALL the characters are rude or otherwise dislike your character, and you both don't like the situation AND didn't do anything to deserve it, action will be taken. If your character is a jerk and everyone hates him, it's just part of the roleplay.
3. Follow Gaia's rules.
4. Follow the Guild's rules.
6. Please stay at least semi-literate.
7. Tribal names can be whatever you like, as long as it isn't a name in any modern language. Things like ancient Roman or ancient Egyptian names are alright, as well as random gibberish and exceedingly long. The culture of the native's is whatever you choose to make it. They can wear any style of clothing you prefer as long as it isn't modern and doesn't break Gaia's rules, and can have any hairstyle or other look that's attainable with natural resources.
8. You may have either a single character or one on each team. Please, no "forbidden romances" or other things between your own characters. If you can get one going on between your survivor and a native (or vice-versa) of another character, that's fine. Friendships are okay, too.
9. No Mary-Sues. They're annoying. That means no perfect characters.
10. Make sure the environment is going to be a challenge for your survivor and/or the situation is going to be a challenge to your native. Survivors may NOT have any previous expertise in the area of survival, though limited knowledge of food and herbs is allowed. Natives may NOT have any previous knowledge of the survivors or their culture.
11. Say "jajaja" under the "Meep" section of the application form to prove you read the rules.

Application Form

Character Name:
Physical Description:
Character Personality (Pick from the list, or say “Other”):
Secondary Choice:
Non-Listed Personality:
Sexual Orientation (Optional):
Disabilities (Optional):
Picture (Optional):
Other (Optional):

And now, without further delay, I present the character list. The roleplay will start when we have at least three survivors and three natives (including myself, meaning we need 5 4 more people in total). My character is Sam. There are some basic outlines to fill in with a summary of what your character should vaguely be/be able to do, but other than that you're free to do whatever you like with them. Remember that they're just outlines, and as long as your character basically qualifies, it's fine. Anything that you add to a listed personality type should be put in the “Non-Listed Personality” section. Please PM your applications to me. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE!



The Doctor: Someone who either has medical knowledge in herbs or a profession that involves healing the ill or injured.

The Trouble-Maker: Someone who tends to cause problems through recklessness, a hot head, bad temper, clumsiness, or other negative trait. It can be either by mistake or intentional.

The Distraught: Someone who tends to panic a lot and has lots of fears or paranoia, or someone who is extremely nervous.

The Loner: Someone quiet who prefers not to talk to others or otherwise just doesn't enjoy speaking up.

The Disabled: Someone with a disability, or someone of an age old enough to speak, but not old enough to care for themselves in any way. Either that, or someone elderly.

The Optimist/Pessimist: Someone of either extreme.

Other: Anyone else who wants to join after the positions are filled, or doesn't like any of the available positions.


The Chief: Someone who is in charge of all the natives.

The Crier: Someone who either enjoys spreading rumors, causing panic, can't keep their mouths shut/keep a secret, or something of that nature.

The Spiritual One: Someone who is either extremely passionate about the tribe’s religious beliefs, is the high priest(ess), or has some sort of strong spiritual connection with the deities or nature.

The Distrustful: Someone who doesn’t trust anyone, or who just doesn’t trust the foreigners in any way.

The Unsuccessful: Someone who isn’t good at anything, is very unlucky, or just plain doesn’t succeed at anything they attempt.

The Mute: Someone who is a quiet person in general, or is just shy.

Other: Anyone else who wants to join after the positions are filled, or doesn't like any of the available positions.

Accepted Profiles

Character Name: Sam
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Physical Description: Blonde, brown eyes
Character Personality (Pick from the list, or say “Other”): The Distraught
Secondary Choice: None; I’m the first person to apply, since I’m the one who started the roleplay. XD
Non-Listed Personality: Sam is an extremely nervous, unpredictable teenager who tends to have a slippery slope mentality. He is quick to trust others and always assumes people will do the right thing, but when they don’t, he tends to hold a grudge. When that thing isn’t a person, however, he wouldn’t be caught dead placing any trust in it, having a deep-held fear that live animals will kill him.
Background: Sam is an eighth grader with a typical teenage life, spending more time on his home computer than studying. He has no pets, being too terrified of animals to consider such a prospect, and is single.
Sexual Orientation (Optional): Homosexual
Disabilities (Optional): None
Picture (Optional): User Image
Other (Optional):
Meep: I’m not going to add this to the accepted profiles for obvious reasons; if it isn’t obvious, then you must have skimmed the rules. razz

Character Name: Robin
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Physical Description: Brown, shoulder-length hair, brown eyes, & tanned, olive-shaded skin.
Character Personality (Pick from the list, or say “Other”): Other, Survivor
Secondary Choice: The Troublemaker
Non-Listed Personality: ROBIN IS A THIEF O_O It is not even funny how addicted she is to pickpocketing. She's also a packrat, so if/when? she settles on the island she'll probably get some secret place where she stores various stuff she finds/steals. Her addiction to stealing of course got her practicing a lot, so it's UBER hard to catch her doing it. If she steals something I may not mention it exactly ?_? so it'd be like "she walked away, playing with the watch by throwing it up into the air and catching it again" & not really mentioning how she got it(unless you want me to write otherwise). She's Other 'cause she'd be a mix between Loner & the Troublemaker. It's difficult to befriend her, and to do so they'd probably have to not freak out about her stealing stuff. That doesn't mean they have to be okay with it, just be casual about their not liking it. Overfriendly people bug her, and she'll probably give them a handful of cocky insults. Robin is an extremely irritable person. She knows some little combat tricks but isn't THAT strong, and carries her lucky pocketknife on her which may be a little rusty for a while 'cause of the long swim to shore. She is not a talker whatsoever, & can be a huge jerk, even to her friends. Kinda like House but not as witty. o_o It's not SUPER hard to convince her to give something back, unless you go about it a way she doesn't like or she very much likes the item she stole.
Background: She was a thief at home, too. She followed a passenger on the plane because they had a valuable or some weird mix up(I assume that passenger is dead, unless somebody wants to set something up). Her home life was an unhappy one other than stealing, & she finds living alone kind of peaceful once she adjusts (which will be a while. Until then she'll prob be rly grumpy).
Sexual Orientation (Optional): Homosexual, but don't count on an easy romance with her.
Disabilities (Optional): none
Picture (Optional): none. sry ;-;
Other (Optional): none

Character Name: Harvey
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Physical Description: Black hair, light blue eyes and slightly pale skin.
Character Personality: Survivor. The Loner
Non-Listed Personality: He´s a quiet boy. He´s usually silently paying attention to everything around. Most of the time very serious and cold, he usually stands a side and avoids people. Somethimes he can be herd talking to himself.
Background:Not much of him is knowed, only that he was on the plane because he was sent away to an special institute, for some reason.
Sexual Orientation: Unknown (? XD)
Disabilities (Optional): Sporadic lost of conscience.
Picture (Optional): (I´ll draw it someday n_nU)

Character Name: Ashliegh Cerano

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Physical Description: Ashliegh has dark brown hair that she usually keeps up in one way or another. She has light skin and rosy cheeks. Her lips are a soft shade of pink. Her deep blue eyes are big and round, a nice addition to her pretty face. She stands at a rather short 5"3 and wishes to be taller. Her ears and nose are pierced and she's always wearing bracelets. She prefers modest, but cute clothing. Such as simple white tee shirts paired with cuffed jeans.

Character Personality: The Optimist

Secondary Choice: The Pessimist

Non-Listed Personality: Ashliegh is ambitious and out-going. She can be shy at first, but her wild spirit surely shows after awhile. She's very optimistic and believes that if you believe something will happen hard enough, it will happen. Just like everybody, Ashliegh's not perfect. Sometimes her optimism gets in the way of her reasoning. And she can have a big head about her appearance most of the time.

Background: Ashliegh has never known her father. She's been told he is a wonderful Italian man who fell in love with her mother early in their lives. Her mother paints a beautiful picture of what used to be, yet Ashliegh is left in the dark about why it ended. She has lived with her mother most of her life. Her grandmother came to live with them when Ashliegh was 10. By the age of 13, her grandmother had passed and Ashliegh learned why she had moved in in the first place. At the age of 17, Ashliegh lost her mother. She was living with a distant cousin when the trip arised she gladly accepted and bade her Italian family goodbye. Losing her family has made her to optimist she is today.

Sexual Orientation: Bi-curious, but later lesbian.

Disabilities: Her optimistic ways at times.

Picture: User Image

Other: Ashliegh has been in love with the theatre for all of her life. She began dancing at 2 and singing at 3. Soon after, she started acting. At the age of 12, she began to write. Poems, short stories, ect. The arts her escape when times get rough and her optimism fails her. She always carried around a black leather-bound notebook which is filled with many half-finished writings.